
Local Author Spotlight: Debbie Macomber

The Pacific Northwest has produced a myriad of talented authors over the years. One of the most prolific is Debbie Macomber, who lives just up the road from A Reader's Respite in Washington State and is the author of several best-selling series.

One of her best loved series is the series, which takes place (aptly) in a yarn shop on Blossom Street in Seattle. Like most of Debbie's books, the Blossom Street series are refreshingly lighter-fare. Her tales warm the soul without saturating the reader in moral lessons or sticky sweetness.

Her latest release is Summer on Blossom Street, which takes readers back to the yarn shop where a Knit to Quit class is being held. Quit what, you ask? Well, whatever you feel you need to cut out of your life. Summer on Blossom Street follows each member of the class and their refreshingly honest stories.

Debbie's rise to a NYT best-selling author is touching. Despite battling dylexia and raising four (four!) children, Debbie was so drawn to telling her stories that she wrote her earlier books sitting at the kitchen table using a typewriter that she rented. It took her five years to find a publisher, proving that good stories aren't always immediately recognized by the publishing industry. Her success story is inspiring and so much of this shines through in her books.

Debbie's Cedar Cove, Washington

Our favorites, though, are the Cedar Cove series, which are set in the small town of Port Orchard, Washington (Debbie renames the town Cedar Cove), a short ten-minute drive from A Reader's Respite's abode. Each book is titled with a different street address and each book is a stand-alone story of the family living at that address.

the real Port Orchard

If you ever find yourself looking for a lighter, summer-y read sans graphic sex, language, violence, or obsessive fashion/shopping, Macomber's books are for you.

We suggest a visit to Debbie's website if you've never been before. Not only does she keep a plethora of information about her books, but there are also fun recipes, her own Knitter's Club with great patterns, and Debbie's blog which is always a fun read.

Want to try a Macomber book? Summer on Blossom Street is Debbie's newest release and we just happen to have an advance copy here that we want to give away. Just leave us a comment here (international entrants always welcome) and on July 11th, we'll draw a random winner.


  1. I would love to give this book a try. Count me in!

  2. Thank you for writing about Debbie Macomber. I learned a lot about her, like that she battled Dyslexia. I have most of her Cedar Cove books and my favorite thing about them is the setting. The setting seems to flow so naturally in the novels.

  3. I've never read any of Macomber's work, so I'd love to give it a try. milou2ster(at)

  4. Sounds really interesting! I love the setting.

    nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

  5. I have only read a couple of books in the Blossom Street series myself. I like them for a change of pace, but they are a bit too sweet to read all of the time.

  6. I've heard a lot how good she writes. I just hope to find a copy but if not, I would love to win one here. :)


  7. Grandma's favorite is the Cedar Cove series also. And Mom is a knitter so she's partial to Blossom Street. I get the books when they are done with them. I have a bagful in the corner of the livingroom right now. I'd love to win a copy of her newest book so I could pass it along when I'm done reading it.

  8. I like Debbie Macomber, please include me!

  9. I have heard good things about this author, but am yet to try one of her books.
    Would love to win ~ thanks for going international :-)

  10. Isn't that cover all pretty and sunshiny?

    Enter me please.

  11. Believe it or not I've never read Macomber before! I'll give her a try!

    BFish (dot) Reads (at)

  12. I love Debbie Macomber's books and would love to win a copy of this one. ruthjoec at aoldotcom

  13. This sounds like the perfect beach book! Please enter me in the giveaway!


  14. This heart-warming book would be great to read.


  15. Always enjoy Debbie Macomber, I would like to be entered!!!

  16. I've never read a book by Debbie Macomber, but I'd like to give it a try. Please enter me. :)


  17. I would love to read this book! Thanks!

  18. Interesting that you're doing a Debbie Macomber giveaway... I just, tonight, found a Debbie Macomber bookmark tucked away in drawer.
    Maybe it's a sign :o)
    Please enter me in the drawing.


Fire away!