
A Fired Blog Secretary and a Book Winner!

Once again, A Reader's Respite's personal Blog Secretary missed the boat and forgot to post the winner The Sinful Life of Lucy Burns, by Elizabeth Leiknes. We're seriously considering terminating his employment around here.

slacker blog secretary

As they say, if you want something done correctly, you must do it yourself. So with no further ado, the random winner of The Sinful Life of Lucy Burns is.......


Please zap A Reader's Respite your mailing address, Pam, and we'll send it out on the next Pony Express.

So whadya think? Should we fire him or not?


  1. Hey, since he looks like that, I think you should cut your blog secretary some slack! Congratulations Pam!

  2. I need that secretary. Please fire him and send him to me right away!

  3. I think you should make him do penance. Surely there's SOMETHING he can do to make it up to you!

  4. yes, I would cut him some slack too, but if he is looking for a job....

  5. Yes. Fire him.

    PS~I have an open secretary position. Apply in person! ;)

  6. Congrats Pam!

    Don't fire him, I'm sure you can think of a delicious way to punish him =)

  7. Congrats Pam

    I guess you're expecting a fair bit ~ looks and brains??
    Oh alright if you don't want him, I'll have him LOL

  8. oh yes, you should definitely fire him, how about sending him here ;)

    Congrats Pam.

  9. That is the best picture of Viggo I have ever seen. I wouldn't fire him! Congrats to Pam!

  10. Absolutely positively FIRE HIM (then send him here and I'll keep him off the streets).

    Always a nice sight after two long days of work.

  11. Uh...... I think he is a keeper. :)

  12. Congratulations, Pam!

    I think he needs to know you're the boss & he needs to bow down to you ;p.

  13. I'm willing to take him off your hands!!!

  14. It's a wonder that any work gets done at all being as you've given him a bed to work on instead of a desk. Perhaps he would work harder if you made him take off that binding, cumbersome shirt.

  15. Oh dear God--Viggio is the secretary you don't fire, even if he can't type, answer the phone or make coffee. It sure would be hard to get anything done around the office, though!


Fire away!