
Review: Starfinder

Starfinder: Book One of the Skylords, by John Marco

Did any of you ever read fantasy books as a child? A Reader's Respite did and has fond memories of hiding under our blanket at night with a flashlight reading the likes of Madeleine L'Engle and Anne McCaffrey. Fantasy books and childhood seem to go hand-in-hand and it's always been our considered opinion that when we leave those fantasy books behind, it signals the end of childhood innocence and wonder.

In the tradition of the memorable Young Adult fantasy writers comes the first in a new series by John Marco, entitled Starfinder: Book One of the Skylords. It is here that we meet thirteen year old Moth, who lives in the city on the edge of the world and harbors dreams of becoming a Skyknight, the most elite of all pilots.

Of course his dreams will lead him on an incredible adventure and thus begins what turns out to be a very well-written and richly-imagined fantasy tale in which Moth is transported to another world beyond his own.

Well-developed characters abound (we wish half of the adult novels we read could do this as well) and there is a subtle moral to the story, something all young adult novels ought to contain. Marco deftly walks a fine line here, managing to keep the story out of the shallowness of simplicity and yet still draws the reader into a richly imagined world.

If you have fond memories of childhood fantasy books, you'll want to read Starfinder and we'd be willing to be this one will make it's way onto your permanent bookshelves. If you have kidlets, we're thinking ages 11-13 ought to make a nice fit for this book, but you'll want to read it yourself, too.

If A Reader's Respite gave away starred reviews, this one would be a five. Kudos to Marco for creating what we are hoping will become a classic in the young adult fantasy genre!

And in case you were thinking the author's name sounded familiar, Marco is the author of two well-known adult fantasy series: The Lukien Trilogy and Tyrants and Kings. A Reader's Respite has added both series to our Leaning Tower of Pisa TBR Pile. *sigh*

Title: Starfinder: Book One of the Skylords
Author: John Marco
ISBN-13: 978-0756405519
400 pages
Publisher: DAW Hardcover
Date: May 5, 2009

Still not certain? Read these reviews, too!

Medieval Bookworm
At Home With Books
The Tome Traveller
Shooting Stars Magazine
In Search of Giants
Back to Books
Bookfoolery and Babble
Fantasy Book Critic
Steph Su Reads
Musings of a Bookish Kitty
The Book Smugglers
Becky's Book Reviews
Wagging the Fox

Starfinder has been on tour with TLC Book Tours. Kudos to TLC for choosing a quality book to showcase!


  1. Sounds good. Do you think we all might perhaps need insurance riders for the piles of books and hazards they present? (such as: Blogger Killed by Huge Pile of Toppling Books!)

  2. Rhapsodyinbooks - LOL...ain't that the truth. Every good book seems to open up a pathway to 5 more...thank goodness for that or we'd all run out of books to read.

  3. It is SO TRUE that a good book usually adds more books to your wish list/TBR pile. It's a sick joke the universe plays on those of us who like to read. :)

    I'd be interested to compare John Marco's adult fantasy to his YA fantasy...

  4. I also thought this was great middle ready fantasy and I'm looking forward to more in the series.

    I haven't bought them yet, but his adult fantasies are on the ole wish list.

  5. I hadn't realized that he had written adult novels too. I will have to check those out. I'm glad to see that you liked the book so much, since I did too. Thanks for linking to my review!

  6. I really enjoyed this one, too! Thanks for linking me!


  7. 5 stars huh? I've not read a single bad review of this book. Glad you liked it too.

  8. I'm one of those people who doesn't necessarily think that enjoying good quality fantasy or science-fiction needs to end with the end of childhood or youth. I trust your judgment that the book is well-written, has a good plot and properly sketched characters, and look forward to seeing the quality for myself.

  9. I really should get around to reading this.


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