
WTF Wednesday

Book chosen for the GoodReads European Royalty Group's read for the month of July.

I'll let you ponder that for a while.

This WTF moment brought to you by:


  1.'re evil, but that's some funny stuff. I think someone failed geography class =)

  2. LOL... it's not that funny but I can't help but giggle uncontrollably. I'm surprised no one caught that.

  3. Lol, I will have to share this with the group. BTW, as I understand it this group was originally a Jean Plaidy group, then expanded to European Royalty and just the last few months the group members wanted to branch off to other topics, i.e. GWTW.

  4. Scarlett would be so proud.

  5. :-( I didn't get it!
    And I have not read Gone with the Wind either :(

  6. Freakin' hilarious. I guess the sun still never sets on the British Empire.

  7. Wait a min -- nah, never mind. lol.

  8. SaraW creator of ER GroupJuly 2, 2009 at 10:54 AM

    OMG, how many times do I have to explain how my group works! People, people, please read the guide and all will be explained! Lol, how did you even find us? Hey, any publicity is good publicity! ;) GWTW's a great book - why don't you come read with us?

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  11. Hey Sara, maybe we'll generate some more members of your great group here? LOL.

    For those of you who don't know what this group is, follow my link in the post and go check it out....they really do read some great books, geography notwithstanding. :)

  12. Too funny ... perhaps I should unjoin Goodreads rather than hang around with those no-nothing readers!

  13. I noticed that too. But I just don't have all the time in the world to want to read the way the group works either.
    I figured European was European and Royalty was Royalty.

  14. Oh, goodness, WTF exactly. I adore GWTW, it's in my list of Top Five Books of All Time. Scarlett was what my fourth child would have been named, had he been a girl. But, really, European? Royalty? Hmmmm. Scarlett wishes!


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