
WTF Wednesday

Agnes Sorel: The Breast and Crotch That Changed History?


From the book description:

"Armed with breasts of unrivaled magnificence she used her cunning crotch to influence history forever ... Agnes shares her sexual secrets within the pages of this book. Check it out. You will love her dazzling breasts and clever crotch."

Oh, this is just priceless. Who's up for a group read?

(Thanks, Susan and Misfit. You're awesome.)

WTF Wednesdays are brought to you by The Book Resort!


  1. I don't even know what to say (at least that wouldn't offend you all). Don't take me wrong, but I really think I'd like to see these tatas that are so wonderful...I'm curious, you know? This could be a self-help book! I'm up for the group read!

  2. Hahaha what an intriguing book!! Is it Helen of Troy that's could possible be the woman? Hmm . . . I'm in for a group read.

  3. I imagine some shady movie producer somewhere is dancing around in excitment with the prospect of adapting this for his latest screenplay!

  4. Not just WTF, but a lot of other words come to my mind. A book for the NY Times Bestseller list, that's for sure :P

  5. I'm game for a group read, alhough you should look up the publishing house and see what else they have in their catalog. Aiyee!

    Actually I don't deserve credit for this find either but I won't name her unless she wants to come and 'fess up. I'll see if I can find her.

  6. I wonder if it was the left breast or right breast? They are never exactly the same are they?

  7. Only you would find a book like this!

  8. I'm kind of worried about how you find these books! :--)

  9. oddly, there are no reviews for it yet on Amazon.

  10. So I wonder what it is that makes a crotch clever? OMG!

  11. I'm the guilty party Misfit mentioned. That's what I get for Googling "Agnes Sorel."

  12. Um, EWWW! That cover (and description) was a total turn off)!

  13. Who publishes these things and what the hell is a "clever crotch"?????

  14. I LOVE WTF Wednesday. Man you make me laugh.
    Dazzling breasts - all I could think of was a bedazzler jewelling craft tool.
    Not just a clever crotch, but cunning too. There's another joke there,but I won't go there...

  15. Ok, I admit that I thought you might have made this one up, so I checked it out in Amazon. It costs $14.00 by the way. I still can't believe it's real...

  16. "Who publishes these things and what the hell is a "clever crotch"?"

    I don't know, I'm pretty sure I recall a really bad romance novel wherein the hero had a *cough* clever finger.

  17. Bah, regular crotches are boring. Clever crotches are jaunty and fun.

    Lol, I almost want to hunt down the book just to see what it's like. I wonder, is it meant to be humorous or sexy?

  18. Whahahhahaaaaa! That should be a "One Book" project for SOME CITY, SOMEWHERE! I feel sure of it. I might propose that next year for Dallas. What the hell?

  19. Is this a children's book? Are there illustrations of these amazing breasts and crotch?

  20. "Unraveled magnificence" hmm those I would like to see. Someone please read this.. I am just too curious and cannot afford one more book!


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