
It's that time of year again.....

Yes, it's time for the Annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week Awards. Much to our surprise, A Reader's Respite has been nominated in two categories this year and now we need your help in deciding what dress to wear for the ceremony.

This is Dress 1. We like the minimalist design (less to wrinkle) but are unsure if our granny underpants would work with this.

We're favoring Dress 2 because when the Awards Ceremony gets to the boring acceptance speeches, we'll have something to occupy ourselves.

Dress 3 would solve the problem with our granny underpants and allow us the freedom to eat too much at the after-parties. (Note, however, that A Reader's Respite isn't exactly pregnant.)

Dress 4 is a bit more edgy. If we could hide a book in the feathered collar, this one should win hands-down.

Now Dress 5 appeals to our sense of originality. Our only worry is that when we sit down, the balloons surrounding our butt would pop and let's face it, that's more embarrassing than a whoopie cushion.

Please vote for your favorite.


  1. I vote you wear all five. You could change at the breaks. But whatever you do, please don't forget to include the granny underpants as part of your outfits!

  2. I would like to suggest a slight modification to dress number 4...just put the face of your on-again-off-again secretary on the front of the dress and I think you'd have it. Of course, your secretary doesn't have spiky white fur-ish hair, so that would need to be changed as well. I need to shut up. You rock girl. You are the highlight of my blogging day!

  3. Oh #4 all the way - I am sure you can fit a book in there somewhere.

  4. LOL!!!! I'm for number 2. Not only will you have something to do but you'll have a handy weapon to poke out the eyes of the winner if it's not you.

  5. I'm going with #5 - just don't sit down.

  6. Congrats on being shortlisted!

    I say wear Dress 1. I think the granny panties would enhance the outfit. Keep them guessing a bit. LOL

    Diary of an Eccentric

  7. Congratulations!! If I were you, I'd try to get my hands on that number that Cher wore to the Oscars ever so long ago. You can't go wrong with Bob Mackie! :-)


  8. Hee!

    I vote with rhapsodyinbooks, do a costume change throughout the ceremony it'll make things interesting.

    Though I am partial to the's quite festive!

  9. Congrats on being nominated! I vote that you wear Number 2 during the boring part of the ceremony. If you are an award presenter, you could wear Number 4 while going on stage, and if you win, you can bring out some hidden books and shower them on the audience.

  10. Hahahahahaha!!!Where do you find this stuff?! I kind of like the balloon one- so that everytime there's an announcement you can contribute to the fuss with a royal 'pop'!!

  11. Dress 1 wins Hands down. You won't get all sweaty, doesn't take up much room in the suitcase, no underwear to pack. It has lots of advantages!

  12. I used to model, so I get the dresses. They sure are ugly though. Capital U!

  13. I totally agree with Anna! In fact, I think she stole my thought...Anyway, definitely #1 WITH gran-panties. You never know, it might become the new thing. ;-)

  14. Dress number three is hilarious! (Not that the rest aren't all funny too.) :) I just can't imagine wearing that in public, much less to a wedding (or in this case the awards ceremony). My official vote goes to the fluffy-collar, dress number 4.

  15. Hilarious! I vote Dress #3 -- you can fake the pregnancy with a faux tummy. You're sure to win in that number!

  16. Hahahahaha love it!!!!!!! I vote for #4! You wouldn't have to carry a purse!

  17. Dress 5 for sure!!! And I'm not surprised at your nominations ... and I shall be voting for you!

  18. If you go with #2, please remember that it's very important that you panties (granny or otherwise) match your hair.

    But there will be NO poking the eyes of the competition out. I need them to read!!!


  19. Holy cats. With every progressive dress I thought it couldn't get more jaw-dropping. I was wrong. Sometimes, creativity is not a good thing.

  20. Whatever dress you don be sure to wear that Cruella DeVille hairstyle. So chic!

  21. I say #5. Just don't sit anywhere close to some dame who's wearing Chanel #2. It could be explosive.

  22. Maybe you should pull a Scarlett O'hara and make your own with your old curtains. Its a dress and a literary reference!

  23. Congratulation Girl!
    I vote for #2.. you got something to do ;)
    and well maybe #4 as well.. u can keep a book there :D

  24. Congrats on the nominations, and my vote would go to #4.

  25. Love the post. It is hilarious. I think the knitting needles are the best. If you get cold you can add to your dress as you go, if you get hot (sweating with nervousness) you can unravel some.

  26. I'm laughing so hard the tears are blurring my vision hmmm they are freaking ugly dresses but my vote goes to no. 4 and pop the balloons on your butt yourself before you're due to be seated and make sure you have matching green granny knickers

  27. told you I had blurred vision, either that or I can't count, the kermit nightmare would be no 5 lol

    And congrats on being shortlisted, I've voted :-)


Fire away!