
Who Won?

A Reader's Respite has been a busy little bee, what with moving into our new abode and all that. It's hard work, especially when you've accumulated as much CRAP as this family has over the years.

Not to mention the 1000+ books that Mr. RR is grumbling about packing up. (We say: suck it up, buttercup.)

But don't despair, we haven't forgotten about all the book giveaways. In fact, we have two winners to announce right now.

Marie, of The Burton Review, has won a copy of American Eve!

And not to be outdone, our random winner of Bundle of Trouble is Jennie N!

Zap us your mailing address, you two, and we'll get these great books out to you pronto!


  1. Congratulations ladies!!

    xoxo Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)

  2. Happy Reading! Congratulation & enjoy!

  3. Moving just plain sucks. The last time I moved, I was 7 months pregnant and it was over a hundred degrees outside, and I swore I would die in this house. Purging is good for the soul, but is very painful.

    Congrats to the winners by the way!

  4. Congrats to the winners!

    You have my sympathy with moving. I love my books . . . until moving day.

  5. The good thing about moving is it is a great opportunity for the movers to "lose" all those items belonging to Mr. RR that you would like no longer to be in your household! We have had amazing casualties to the possessions to Mr. R.I.B. over the years!

  6. We move every few years, but we leave the packing to other people, so my buttercup doesn't complain. After all, we're moving because of him. Congratulations to the winners!

    Thanks so MUCH!!!!!!!
    You rock!
    And ditto on the suck it up, buttercup!


Fire away!