
Diversifying My Bookshelves

Do you think the redundancy of the title was intentional?

(All together now: "eeeeeewwwwwwwww!")

This little beauty was brought to our attention by Callista, of SMS Book Reviews fame. Thanks, Callista!


  1. OMG!!!! Thank you, thank you! I've been looking for some good gifts for clients. Perhaps I need look no farther???

    Do people actually buy these things?

  2. Hahaha that looks so funny - but it really like a log book? Or is it a gag book? Like a book about poo?? (I've actually seen those . . .)

  3. So apoopriate for the anal-retentive friends in our lives!

  4. Haha, you have to wonder who is crazy enough to use that sort of thing! It must just be a gag gift. LOL!

  5. Haha! I swear, this is my favorite series (this and WTF Wednesday). I'm still laughing about the clown car.

  6. We were in a bookstore with our nephew and he actually found this book and tried to get us to buy it! He was 15 at the time.

  7. Oh Yay! Everyone's getting one for Christmas this year. Luv it!

  8. How hysterical - my boys would love something like this.

  9. This little beauty is actually a companion book to What's Your Poo Telling You? which describes---in gory detail---dozens of different kinds of poo and what they indicate about your health, diet, etc. It's become a favorite stocking stuffer and gag gift for me.

  10. EWWW is right. But can I tell that my eyes are tired and at first glance I thought is said Poo Long....even more ewww...

  11. I will have to remember this & Rebecca's suggestion for when I just cannot think of another dumb gift for Xmas for those family memebers who I wish weren't members of my family.
    Instead of the shower gels & soaps etc I'll go for these.
    Thanks for the Heads up!
    Hee hee


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