
Good, solid historical fiction

A Reader's Respite is pretty certain that we are the only historical fiction fanatic left on the planet that didn't have a shelf full of Elizabeth Chadwick novels.

Shameful, isn't it?

We recently went about rectifying that tremendous oversight with a copy of The Time of Singing. Set in 12th Century England in the court of Henry II, The Time of Singing is based on the life of Ida de Tosney, mistress to the king and later the wife of Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk.


This is just plain good, solid historical fiction, folks. Chadwick follows known history to the letter and the gaps are filled with mesmerizing, yet plausible, fiction. Character development reigns supreme here with one of the best characterizations of Henry II ever put to paper.

Ida is a touching heroine and the chronicle of her marriage to Bigod is both heart-rending and gritty in turn. In short, it's fairy tales here.

And the icing on the cake? Just drink in that cover, folks. No blurbs and Ida has her head intact.

What a refreshing read.

As we look at the list of Chadwick books we have to look forward to, we feel a little like a kid in a candy store, he he.

Chadwick's books are like crack, for book lovers. Just sayin'.

We know, we know. You're wondering where the giveaway of this one is. Nuthin' doin'. This copy is inscribed and even if it wasn't, this historical fiction deserves a permanent spot on the bookshelves.

But you can get your own copy here!


  1. noh, you know another fanatic who doesn't have one title from "Elizabeth Chadwick". :)

    And I am going to soon correct tat ;)

  2. Yay! Another convert! I am very slowly, very leisurely working my way through the backlist because I think I am going to be somewhat bereft when I don't have any new Chadwick books to read!

  3. About damn time you became an EC convert :)

    I think I am the only one who gobbled all her books up as soon as I good, instead of slowly doling them out to savor bit by bit. I was greedy.

  4. I love Elizabeth's Chadwick's books! I'm so glad you discovered them too. =)

  5. Dare I barge into this crowd and admit that I've never read Elizabeth Chadwick? Don't stone me just yet...I've got one on my shelves. I just need to dig my way out of the hole I've gotten myself into.

  6. I just picked up my first Chadwick's, too. Now to find the time to get to them. . .


  7. Your mention of the cover made me chuckle. What is it with all the headless women on book covers these days?

  8. I do not have Elizabeth Chadwick either!!
    Someday I will rectify that but probably not any time soon. Although a fellow bookblogger will be sharing her recent read of The Greatest Knight when she is through with it so at least I will get to read it.

  9. I'd never heard of Elizabeth Chadwick, but now I've added her to my list. This looks terrific.

  10. I've never read Chadwick either, but I have The Greastest Knight to get to in the next couple of weeks and I'm really looking forward to it!

  11. I have read quite a lot of EC, she is a favorite of mine. But her books were a little hard to come by in the USA...I found most of mine at used book stores or in bargain bins and they are mostly British printings. That could explain why some folks haven't heard of her before. But Sourcebooks (bless them) is releasing her books in the US now, I'll be reviewing The Greatest Knight in September. YAY!

  12. I'm going to have to look this one up! It looks great!

  13. Wait, wait, I don't have Chadwick either! I must correct this oversight, as well.

  14. Do I admit that this is my first time hearing about this particular author? Must look her up.

  15. I own a Chadwick or two, but I still a Chadwick virgin!

  16. I came to the same conclusion, recently -- must read some Elizabeth Chadwick. I'll be reading The Greatest Knight soon. I've been told it's historically accurate, which totally floats my boat.

    Yep, the non-headless cover is lovely.

  17. Cool! A new author! I guess we're headed to the library tomorrow!

  18. I have actually only read one Elizabeth Chadwick, though I have a lot of her on my shelves. I must admit the reason I haven't picked her up yet (and this is faulty reasoning, I know) is because I knew she'd be on my keeper shelf. So I bought her in all hardcover. But the books are so LARGE that I just can't imagine taking them along for a commute or a trip anywhere to read. So, er, there they sit...

  19. I've nominated you for an award, you can pick it up here

  20. I've never read anything by Chadwick. Apparently I should.

  21. This is awesome and I love the book lovers on crack comment....

    WAIT!!!!! Is that CANDY?????



  22. I love hist. fiction but have yet to read or own Chadwick's books. So I guess there still some of us, unfortunates left *sigh*, I am planning to restock my shelves soon and this title sounds just as good as any to start.


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