
Books and more books

A Reader's Respite is one over-worked and underpaid book blogger. We hope you all enjoy wherever you're flying to this summer 'cause we sure are working like a dog to take you there. Working so hard, in fact, that we've missed a couple of book winner announcements.

We can only hope you'll take pity on us and forgive our memory lapses.

(And to the lady in Baton Rouge who just had to make that smart-ass comment about the landing tonight: next time, you try it and we'll see how it turns out. So there.)

With no further ado:

Kathleen of Boarding in My Forties fame has won Jennifer Woodlief's Wall of White!

Jemima, of The Reading Journey fame, has won a copy of Charlotte Greig's A Girl's Guide to Modern European Philosophy.

Congratulations, ladies! Please zap us your mailing address so we can get these in the post for you. Or at the very least, drop them out of the airplane as we fly over your house. Your choice.


  1. My opinion is, if you get me on the ground alive, I'm happy. I appreciate you! And congrats to the winners!

  2. Thanks for working so hard up there Michele...and congrats to the winners!

  3. Congrats to the winners. To the lady from Baton Rouge: If do decide to try it, let me know so I can be somewhere else.

  4. Ha - I'm with Sandy! If I'm alive, then it was a good flight! I hope your work lets up a bit Michele!

    Congrats to the winners and happy reading.

    Love Beth F's comment!

  5. Thanks heaps! I am thrilled to have won. I hope that you get to relax from all the work and make some time for yourself.

  6. Summer hoards wearing you down?

    Baton Rouge lady: you're welcome for another safe, uneventful flight brought to you by the hardworking folks of the airlines in this country. You probably paid less for your ticket than it would have cost you to drive in your car, so shut up and say "thank you!"

    Nope, not getting to me at all...

  7. Congratulations to the winners!


Fire away!