Diversifying My Bookshelves

The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: A Guide to Field Identification, by Julian Montague.

This might have come in handy during the holidays.


  1. Hysterically, Meg, yes it actually is. You may actually order this book from Amazon.com.

    Boggles the mind. But also makes me laugh, so it's totally worth it!

  2. LOL!!!!! This is a must have -- when I take my daily walks, I'm always wondering about the species of the carts I see along the way.

  3. Okay...where's the one for WESTERN North America???

  4. Too funny! And very useful at the grocery store. :-)


  5. I needed this the other day when, as I was stuck in front of Bed, Bath, and Beyond waiting for a very slow car in front of me to move, a cart that was parked by the store's doors got hit with a gust of wind and started rolling straight at me...Luckily, I made a narrow escape, but I watched in the rearview as the cart banged square into the car behind me.

  6. I gave your blog an award on my blog at http://rhapsodyinbooks.wordpress.com

  7. There are stray shopping carts and there are the very few that make it to the top. I think the shopping cart that's co-starring in the film "The Road" is going to be on Letterman tonight.

  8. Cali - I wonder if there's a Jack Hannah of the shopping cart world?

  9. When I see "The Road" I'll be sure and sit through all the credits to keep an eye out.

  10. Here's a bizarre Dawn behavior ... when I'm out at a particular strip mall that has Stop & Shop, Home Depot and Target, I have to match the cart to the store I'm shopping in (I won't pick up a Stop & Shop cart from the parking lot and bring it in to Target). What's with that?

  11. Where do you find these wacky titles, Michele? (I wonder how many people have actually bought this book?) I love it!


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