Who's Watching?

Is anyone watching the new NBC series, Crusoe?


  1. No clue...I've tivo'd them all, but who has time to actually watch what they tivo??

  2. We tivo it and have watched all but tonight's episode. You know, it's enjoyable - we watch it as a family, and it's gotten my 10 year old son to pick up our copy of Robinson Crusoe, but I don't see it lasting. It's like Giligan's Island without the slapstick. Like the show Lost, it's got it's limitations, but unlike Lost (which I admit I stopped watching after season 2), there are only two men on the island. How much can they possibly do with that unless they get off the island and contine the storyline from there.

    I'd like to see it continue if they can make it work, but I don't see it being wildly popular.

  3. Thanks, Traci. I've been trying to decide whether or not it would be worth it to give up time-spent-reading for this show. I am, admittedly, a Lost fanatic (still). My interest in Crusoe stems mainly from what looked to be the gorgeous cinematography in the previews. I'm terrible keeping up with tv shows, though. I have about a dozen episodes of the Tudors tivo'd that I haven't watched yet, either.

  4. I'm not, but I don't watch much TV.


Fire away!