It's time for a winner!

And the winner is......(drumroll, please).....Tracy! Congrats and you'll be receiving a new copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee and an autographed copy of Mockingbird, by Charles J. Shields.

Thank you to everyone who participated in Banned Books Week and I hope you all rediscovered some wonderful books.

A new giveaway will start later on today, so check back and enter!


  1. Congrats Tracy!

    Who IS that man, Michele?

  2. ha ha - did I have y'all thinking that he is a famous author? ;) He's just the man in the orange tie and I kinda like him. My imaginary friend, if you will. Just keeping everyone on their toes; that's my job. ha!

  3. what a great book to do a giveaway for. And doing a banned-book giveaway is a great way to mark the week. I'm going to remember that for next year! :-)

  4. As the author of Mockingbird, I'm pleased that it was given as a prize... but I am not the guy in the orange tie.


    Charles J. Shields

  5. Ha ha - I love google alerts! Thanks for stopping by, Mr. have no idea how much it pained me to part with your lovely biography. ;)

  6. Yeah! Thanks so much!


Fire away!