A homerun for Sourcebooks

A Reader's Respite is fairly certain you've all heard about the U.S. release of Elizabeth Chadwick's renowned historical fiction novels, The Greatest Knight and The Scarlet Lion.  Blogland has been all a-twitter over these novels...and for good reason.

Back in September, Sourcebooks Landmark took the laudable step of releasing Chadwick's story of William Marshall, aptly titled The Greatest Knight, to an enthralled U.S. audience (an act for which historical fiction lovers will be forever grateful....thank you, Sourcebooks!).  Marshall, as the title announces, was arguably the greatest knight of his medieval times and Chadwick masterfully brought him to life, to the delight of countless swooning women everywhere.

Now March has brought us the U.S. release of The Scarlet Lion, sequel to The Greatest Knight, which illuminates the later half of Marshall's incredible life....from his marriage which brought him an Earldom and to his deft political maneuvering during the reign of touchy King John.

So what's all the fuss about?  Well, if you read a lot of historical fiction, then you'll know that there are frequently two types of historical fiction novels:

  1. those on the lighter side, what author Hilary Mantel calls "chick-lit with wimples", and
  2. those on the more serious side that are often weighed down with authentic detail

Author Elizabeth Chadwick does the impossible....she bridges the gap between the two far ends of the historical fiction spectrum.  Few authors can engage readers with such impeccable detail and still move the plot along at such a perfect pace and bring characters and events to life before your eyes.  She engages all types of historical fiction readers, no matter what side of the proverbial fence they sit on.

A prolific writer, award-winning Chadwick has written a plethora of medieval novels that have thrilled fans in the U.K. for years, while us poor American fans had to make furtive trips to Canada in order to smuggle in copies.  Thanks to Sourcebooks, we no longer have to hide.  Not only have they released both novels about Will Marshall, but they will also release the fabulous love story of Roger and Ida Bigod, previously titled The Time of Singing (to be titled For the King's Favor here in the U.S.).

To read these books is to be transported to a different place and time....a reading experience you won't soon forget.  Careful readers of Chadwick's novels are rewarded with small overlaps....characters and scenes from one book will briefly appear in other novels, making it a very rewarding read indeed.

If you've never braved a historical fiction book, these are the books that A Reader's Respite would choose for you.  In fact, we want so badly to introduce someone out there to good historical fiction that we are giving away the all three books.  If you're interested in a fabulous introduction to historical fiction, leave us a comment and on April 15, we'll draw a random winner....so remember to check back and see if you won!  (International entrants always welcome)

FTC Disclaimer:  Where did all of these books come from?  Frankly, we don't remember because A Reader's Respite has multiple copies of all of these books.  Some came from Sourcebooks, some came from bookstores in Canada and the U.K.  Can the FTC arrest us for a faulty memory?  Stay tuned to find out....

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