You read that right. They don't have the budget for the library.
Hey, politicians, listen up and listen good.
You can take away our civil liberties and record all of our private phone calls. You can get away with mangling the Constitution and torturing foreigners on small, offshore Communist-nation islands. You can even tax us to bejeesus and not provide any kind of national health care in return.
But don't, for one short moment, think that you can get away with taking away our libraries.

This, of course, means war (or at the very least, peaceable demonstrations where protesters wear strongly-worded signs while sitting on the front steps of the Capitol building reading their un-returned library books).
That is the cutest picture I've ever seen! Seriously though, that is just a terrible situation.
ReplyDeleteWhat's next? Voting rights?
ReplyDeleteLove the picture! Hate the situation though. I saw on the news today in Denver that our libraries will be cutting back their operating hours by 8 hours each week. Several weeks ago the mayor asked for public input into ways to cut the budget and apparently one of the overriding comments he received was "don't close our libraries - we would rather have fewer hours than none at all". I guess for once, the politicians listened. I hope the situation turns around foro Philly.
ReplyDeleteAnother Denver blogger!
ReplyDeleteMy friend, Lori,, has blogged about the closures, too.
It's really a sad situation.
Yeah! What you said!!
That sucks! The libraries of NH suck but at least they're still open. How are the kids going to stay in school and do research when the libraries are closed?
ReplyDeleteYou'd think the government would allow it to continue. It did with those STUPID CAR COMPANIES!!!
**says prayer of thanks to Mr. Gates and his Microsoft millions keeping budget cuts at bay in King County**
ReplyDeleteI heard about this too, and I agree with Daphne - I'd rather see hours cut than none at all. I don't see any City fathers taking a pay cut.
Talk about squandering resources - to pull the plug completely?!? cut hours, close a branch ... but to shut down the library?!?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure we haven't seen the last of this issue!
What on earth? Don't these people know that libraries are one of the greatest institutions this country has? And now..."Sorry folks!We're taking your access to FREE KNOWLEDGE away." What about all the bookworms out there who can't afford to buy books in this blasted recession? Or the internet access that so many libraries provide? Seriously, I know so many people who would die without their library cards. SAD DAY....
ReplyDeleteThis is a scary situation, Michele. Not liking this outcome. Hoping a miracle happens. Prayers & fingers crossed.
ReplyDeleteI had to read that twice, no words come to mind other then it's shocking.
ReplyDeleteOh, what a sad situation. Unbelievable! I hope the public speaks out and demonstrates peaceably and I hope the politicians listen.
ReplyDeleteI live near Philly and they can spend millions to build two new sports stadiums but not support the libraries ... typical.
ReplyDeleteUgh, this situation makes me sick! Of all the things to cut off funding for, you choose a LIBRARY?? Where people go for to increase their knowledge? what ever happened to the Reading Is Fundamental programs? How can you continue to try to teach kids that reading is important when they don't have affordable access to it? Just sick. Makes me want to go hug my library and thank the book gods for letting our new library millage pass before everything got cut!
ReplyDeleteMemphis had several of its local libraries closed over the last few years. Those in the county were forced to go with a private firm running them in order to stay open.
ReplyDeleteSad to see this happening elsewhere.
That is right up there with the death of Patrick Swayze in the "saddest news" category. What a horror for Philadelphians.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad but I have a feeling that if something doesn't happen soon, more and more libraries will close. Then what will I do?! *okay, breathe...*
ReplyDeleteI read those several times because it just didn't compute. Literally unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteThat's horrible.
ReplyDeleteI'm in Eastern Ohio and they cut back the library's hours some, like to none on Sunday, but at least they're still open.
That's real BAD :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a Philadelphia native (and still live in the vicinity), so this has been major news here. (It inspired two blog posts!) Thankfully, the PA legislators got their act together and avoided such a doomsday scenario. (The cuts were to be a temporary measure, because they were not approving Philly's request to raise the sales tax and defer pension payments, both of which were needed to help with the city's budget woes and hence, keep the libraries open.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, they will remain open, which is truly a blessing. I know times are tough, but to have a major metropolitan city such as Philadelphia without a library system for even a day, even on a temporary basis, is unconscionable.