
And they lived happily ever after. The End.

I’ve been trying to think of a way to release this post with as little fanfare as possible. You see, after eight years of talking about books, authors, reading, and anything else that came to mind, I had made the decision to shut down A Reader’s Respite. This isn’t a huge decision for me; it’s simply time to close up shop.

It has been a fabulous eight years and I’ve been extremely fortunate to have met some of the most talented writers, publishers, and most of all readers through this little venture of mine. I’ve seen the book blogging world evolve a million different ways, some wonderful and others not so much, but all of them instructive. And I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.

If there’s one thing I can be certain of it’s that rumors will surround this decision. Let me put any rumors to rest right now. My decision to close up shop has been a long time in coming and a decision that has taken months to make final. There was no one event that led this decision, although I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit that the direction the book blogging world has taken over the last few years has certainly changed the flavor of the community. Some of these changes, such as the unique blogs that gave us something different from the standard read-and-review formats, have been refreshing and welcome. Other changes that came with the influx of book bloggers detracted from the community and in some cases even tore holes in it. We went from a small, supportive community who celebrated the love of the printed word to a something larger and more fractional. This is, I believe, part of diversifying. Change is inevitable, always.

A Reader’s Respite, for whatever it’s worth, will remain planted here on Blogspot. I’ve removed all copyright to the reviews contained here. Should anyone come along who finds any need of a review here (although I cannot fathom why anyone would), they are welcome to them.

I’ll still be writing, just not in this venue. Other opportunities have arisen and I’ll be focusing on those instead which I find a more creative outlet. I’ll still be writing book reviews on Amazon, GoodReads, and Facebook. If you find yourself over on Twitter, please do say hello (@MJscribbles). I'm trying to be better with Instagram and Pinterest, so if you have accounts there do find me. I value all the friendships I’ve made, even those that have been tested, and wish all of you the very best. In the unforgettable words of Edward R. Murrow, “Goodnight and good luck.”