
For Sale

Someone is actually selling these signs on Etsy for $10 apiece. I'd probably have more to say on this except when I stumbled across it in interwebz hell, I rolled my eyes so far back into my head that one of my eyeballs stuck there making it difficult for me to even type this post, let alone finish reading the new (and hopefully - please, dear God - final) book in the Outlander series, Written in My Own Heart's Blood.

I'm only half through the 848-page tome, but I believe I can safely deliver this shocking teaser that illustrates the literary genius we are dealing with.....are you ready?.......wait for it......

The ghost of someone's penis makes an appearance.

That's all I have to say. You'll have to wait for the detailed review if you want to know more about this masterpiece of fiction that has women across America in tears. And watchful for penis ghosts.


  1. AS YOU MAY KNOW from your reading, if your eyeball feels stuck in your head, stick some honey in your eye. And then watch out for the flies and bees.

  2. Ghost of a penis. Somehow this doesn't surprise me.

  3. I think I will just let you read it for me. I stopped after the second book and have no desire to go back to that world.

  4. Well...and they say there is "nothing new under the sun"?

  5. OH. Em. Gee. You didn't tell me you STARTED it!!! Crap. Now I'm going to have to drop my current audiobook and start this one. Because, hello? Ghost penis!

    We didn't have THAT one in our drinking game. I feel somehow we should have though. Because it was inevitable.

  6. Yeah well it has to be Jamie's right? I mean, we'd know it the second we saw it, as we all could describe every bump and hair from his penis at this point. Let's just hope it's attached to a body.

  7. That sign. Sprained my eyeball looking at it.

  8. OMG, the number of friends I know that alternately rave and bash these books, it cracks me up. I haven't read a single one, and refuse to, but for all the sanity of my friends, I hope it's the end...ha ha.


Fire away!