
A Reader's Respite Hits the Road

A Reader's Respite is taking our show on the road and so this week we'll talking about books from Kona, Hawaii. Well, we will be talking about books on the days that our internet connection actually connects. Because a reliable connection to the interwebz is not a big priority here. So I'm going to do my best. But whenever the interwebz is on island-time, I'll be reading a book.


  1. If I were in Hawaii, blogging would be the last thing on my mind. Have fun!

    1. Bah, I'm not a beach kind of girl. So blogging it is....and reading if possible.

  2. Replies
    1. Would you believe the weather is cloudy with rain while Seattle is 85 and sunny all week? I'm suspecting your Texas weather is nicer than here, missy. pffffft.

  3. Enjoy Hawaii!!! I've been to Maui twice and LOVE it. Kona is next on my Hawaii destination list!!

    And since you're in Hawaii, if you haven't read it already, I HIGHLY recommend Moloka'i by Alan Brennert!

    1. YAY: a book recommendation!!!! Thank you! That made my whole week, Lori!

  4. Replies
    1. I'm trying...I know most people would love it here, but I'm not a beach kind of gal so it's wasted on me. But the kids love it and the in-laws have a place here so Hawaii it was.....maybe next time I'll get to choose the vacation spot (Iceland??? I hear it's nice and cool there this time of year, lol).


Fire away!