
Lazy Blogging: Audiobook Edition

Yes, it's rated R. Did you really need to ask?

Links you'll need from this edition....

The Martian, by Andy Weir
Narrated by R.C. Bray

That's What She Read Review: A Breath of Snow and Ashes

Narrated by Grover Gardner


If you're interested in joining A Reader's Respite, The Literate Housewife, and Bookfoolery in our Project Penman (reading the works of historical fiction author Sharon Kay Penman in 2014) click here to leave me a message on A Reader's Respite's Facebook page so I can add you to our Project Penman page!

Be sure to bookmark The Literate Housewife Review's site so you can see when she starts her Harry Potter Audiobook Reads/Movies/Twitter Parties.


  1. The martian book sounds smashing. Is the Penman Project going to show up on one of your blogs? I'm not a facebook girl. Her books look like my kind of read, and I maybe, might be interested in reading along.

    1. Yes, yes, yes, I am quite certain I will be babbling about the Penman Project on the blog too, so do not feel like you have to show up on Evil FB (as I like to refer to it) to join in the reading. We were somewhat thinking about breaking it up as follows: The Sunne in Splendour first, then her Welsh Trilogy, then her Plantagenet Series (the newest one in that series comes out in March, yay!). We're not in any hurry, though, and expect to take the entire year to work our way through them. I'll mention the books as we go through them on this blog, too. ;)

  2. You are so natural on there. I don't think I could do it. Anyway, The Martian must be mine (even though I don't like Science Fiction - ha!). Harry Potter Audios? Perfection. My kids and I spent A YEAR listening to them in the car. It will be fun to see her experience it for the first time. Right now I'm listening to "Native Son" on audio. It is something else. Very good audio, and incredible story that is seriously messing with my head.

    1. Natural, my ass. Do you know how many tries that took? You don't want to know. Okay..Native Son. I just put a library hold on that audio. Yay.

  3. I'm so impressed with how comfortable you are in front of the camera. I would feel so silly I'd probably giggle the whole time. I'm listening to I Am Malala and One Summer: America, 1927.

    1. I giggled. A lot. I erased those and started again and you don't want to know how many times that happened. Ooooh, the One Summer: America, 1927 caught my attention....that looks very interesting indeed.

  4. You are great on video!!! I couldn't do it. I'm already behind on my audio reviews. Yeah, it's only the 7th. Oh well. Sue Monk Kidd's new one is fab on audio.

    1. You know, I was going to skip her new book because you know too much hoopla kills a book for me, but the audio option is one I hadn't thought of and is an excellent option. I just put a hold on it (I'm already #642 but oh well). Thank you for that idea.

  5. I would like to join the Penman project too and just put The Sunne in Splendor in my Amazon Cart. Also, I have never tried an audio book before but just downloaded audible and bought The Martian. What am I in for? Why do you like them so much?

    1. Oh yay! Find me on Facebook, either use the link in the post to come over to A Reader's Respite's FB page or find me, personally, on FB and send me a friend request (Michele Jacobsen) and I'll add you to the Penman Project! We're taking it will probably take us at least a year to read all of her books, lol. And we haven't officially started The Sunne in Splendor yet. This month sometime.

      Oooh, The Martian. Get ready to just laugh. Remember MacGyver? It's MacGyver in space, hahaha. I have yet to run into anyone who hasn't loved this one...even when he starts running off into technical details. The narrator just has a tone of voice that makes it funny. Look for the book to show up on February's big Blogger Recommends newsletter (which didn't surprise me because it's that good, but did surprise me because Andy Weir was still kind of an unknown even though Random House has now picked him up....clear as mud?). Anyway, just get ready to laugh. :D

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