
Laziness Blogging Episode 1

Library Whore, Episode 1
Rated PG-13 (I might have said the F word once)


  1. Oh, this is so funny - I hope you keep doing it, you're a natural! I tried one vlog and was so distracted by the strangeness of watching myself on the screen, I couldn't do it again. Great library haul! There are a couple I've read and a few I've been eyeing, so I'll be looking forward to what you think.

  2. OMG this was great! It is a whole new perspective when you actually hear someone talk and see their personality. You are hilarious. First I must say I'm gobsmacked that you didn't support your assistant in his efforts in acting in The Road. No wonder he quit and came to work for me! I haven't read any of your books except obviously for Delirium, which I really enjoyed. Unfortunately the trilogy didn't improve as it went along, but that is the way they normally work I guess. Oliver is a compelling writer though (have you read Before I Fall? Awesome.) Keep these up, I love them!

  3. I tried the audio of The Twelve Tribes of Hattie (or whatever the name of it is) and didn't get very far before I quit. I'll be watching to see how you do with the print version. You need to write a book about library crime!! lol

  4. I did like The Road (but I like dystopian and McCarthy). Hope you like THE BONE SEASON! I know you can be more critical than I am, but I'm very forgiving of books that I'm reading for pure entertainment value.

  5. I love this. It's a fresh perspective for blogging. Keep it up!

  6. WHAHAHA!!! Seriously LOLing at "it's not even a real fucking curse word." I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE NOW!

  7. LOVED it! You must do this again. And you also need to lower your camera because my inner creeper wants to see your stuff. Don't judge.
    I don't know much about the books you picked up, except that I just couldn't finish Delirium. I love a good YA dystopia as much as the next person but I just couldn't do it.

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  10. Omg Michele! You are hysterical! Great post, keep em coming! We have to manage a girls weekend at some point and catch up!

  11. You rock! You whore! Please make this a regular feature. As Andi said, I love you even more now.

    I'm reading The Execution of Noa P. Singleton right now.

  12. My ears may be totally whacked due to my advanced years, but your voice reminds me of Penelope Garcia on "Criminal Minds"-- which is far from being a bad thing, let me hasten to add! I have to be honest and say that none of the books tempted me, but I certainly enjoyed listening to you talking about them. Encore! Encore!

  13. You're a hoot! Enjoyed your video immensely even though I have no interest in any of
    those books... Hope you continue with video blogs!


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