
It's Nearly Here....

Yes, it's almost here. The fall READ-A-THON! I truly do look forward to these twice-a-year events and not just because it gives me an excuse to ignore the telephone, the kids, and all other responsibilities of daily life for a full 24 hours, but it always seems to usher in a new season of reading.

And this year I've been extra busy preparing for the hoopla. In addition to total book submersion, A Reader's Respite will be hosting a mini-challenge during the event so I fully expect you to stop on by and enter to win a pretty nifty prize (if I do say so myself, thankyouverymuch).  And if you hang out with me on Twitter or Facebook, you've probably been subjected to my CRAFT HELL saga as I attempted to crank out around 100 bookmarks to go out as prizes for other read-a-thon events.  What can I say, other than I probably am not destined to be an Etsy Queen?  Alas, it is (or so I'm told) the thought that counts.

Okay, okay, 'nuff with that enticement.  Readathon is Saturday so you still have time to signup. Throw up a blog post, join in the fun on Twitter (that's where the real fun is) using #dewey #readathon #minichallenge #rahrahreadathon, get your Instagram on (hysterical fun there, too), if you use Tumblr that is also a fun way to document your Readathon triumphs and woes without cluttering up your blog, etc and so on.  If you've never participated before, you might be surprised how much fun it really is. And you'll really be surprised how anyone gets any reading done at all given the level of social media going on. But what the's all about the love of books.

So what will I be reading this time around? This time I'm changing it all up and going for the AUDIO. You'll have to tune in later this week when I will talk about audiobooks, The Literate Housewife, and TudorFest2013.  Curious?


  1. I'm so excited for this event! Now that I have one time under my belt, I feel better prepared and can't wait to get to it again :)

    1. I think they get better each one you participate in, Shannon. For some reason, experience improves the gig. Have fun!

  2. I'm really hoping to get to participate in the readathon! It'll be my first time -- am working on getting my wife to agree.

    1. Oh, I do hope you will! Even if it's only for part of the day....completely worth it!

  3. I am so excited about the Read-a-Thon and TudorFest2013. This will be my first time ever participating all the way through. I hope that I can make it all the way through. The audio is going to come in handy because I also have to get ready for our trip to Disney the week of the 21st. I love being able to read and get stuff done, too. Best of both worlds.

    1. Multi-tasking makes it seem to the outside world like you are not even participating in a do they know that inside you are sweating bullets. HA! You'll do great and we will likely get through Winter King that day. :D


Fire away!