
The Weekend Edition: Rated R

For some strange reason, there has been an upsurge of mentions of Philippa Gregory's old Wideacre Series in and around blogland the past couple of weeks.  We're not sure why that is, but it revives old nightmares for A Reader's Respite.  This series of three novels (of which we only made it through one and half) might mark the very first instance we can recall of absolutely *hating* a book. 

Now you wouldn't think that a book lover such as ourselves would be unable to find any redeeming characteristic of any given book.  But it's true.  We thought the Wideacre series to be so depraved that it reflected horribly on the author....what on earth could she have been thinking?

And it's recently come to our attention that we weren't the only readers to have to grab a throw-up bowl to make it through one of these novels.....the following video blogs (part 1 and 2) were discovered on YouTube and are, quite possibly, the funniest book rants we've ever had the privilege of listening to.

WARNING:  These are rated R for language and content!  Do not -- we repeat -- do NOT be listening to these in the work place, in front of the kidlets or the in-laws, or in a public location where you'll get nasty looks.  For the love of books, plug in a headset, people!  (Then laugh yourself silly....)

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