
Floating Libraries

Ever since A Reader's Respite learned that the ship we will be sailing across the Atlantic, Cunard's Queen Mary 2, has an honest-to-goodness shipboard library, we've been fascinated by the concept of floating books.
 Queen Mary 2 shipboard library

Here's a look at some of the more interesting floating libraries we found.....

Epos is a floating library that serves three small, water-locked communities in Norway.  Twice a year in these tiny town, the Epos shows up with 6,000 books aboard for residents to checkout.  Just think how long these people's Library Loot list would be!

Celebrity Cruiseline Soltice offers an eye-popping library with back-lit bookshelves for more "wow" factor.

Princess Cruiseline Sea Princess has an on-board library in which the comfy leather chairs are equipped with built-in audio so passengers can listen to the latest audiobooks.

Carnival Cruiseline ships each have their own library theme....check these out:

The Valor's Neoclassical shipboard library.  Think The Illiad.

The Monticello Library aboard Freedom.  Jefferson would approve!

The Alexandria Library aboard The Splendor

Libraries have come a long, long way, baby.

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