
Go Away, Jane

Most of you already know that A Reader's Respite has an unhealthy obsession with Etsy, the online market place where artists and crafty-like peeps sell their wares.

But if you happen to be looking for literature-related goods on Etsy  the cold, hard truth is that you're going to have to wade through about a million and a half pieces of Jane Austen-related junk goods.  Looking for a Jane Austen tampax holder?  Odds are good you'll find it on Etsy.

randomly quote Jane Austen to me and I'll beat you.  for reals. 

Just thank your lucky stars that A Reader's Respite is here to separate the wheat from the chaff for you.  Because there is good bookish-related stuff to be had for the serious literature fiend.....

Love Chaucer?  CTunmasked's shop has gorgeous pendants featuring excerpts from The Canterbury Tales.


How 'bout Tolstoy? Pocketfullofposey makes these stunning engraved silver rings.  This one reads:  "There is no greatness where there is no goodness, simplicity and truth."   *sigh*

For those of us who are card-carrying members of the Grammar Police, Artfulharvest provides us with an outlet for our frustration in the form of a bookbag.

Belong to a bookclub?  Beaconbookmarks have the best bookmarks around.  Perfect gifts.

So keep on shopping small, independent retailers.  Trust us, you won't find this stuff at Walmart.

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