
WTF Wednesday

Found over in the archives of The Inkwell Bookstore, where in light of the recent trend of designing classic books with more risque covers to appeal to a broader market, they asked their readers to submit some ideas of their own.

Head on over to see the results and have a good chuckle.....

Oh, and did we mention that WTF Wednesday is the brain-child of The Book Resort?


  1. Love 'em! Especially the ones for "The Road" and "To the Lighthouse."

  2. Those are hilarious! Do you still have your assistant around, finding cool things for WTF Wednesday, or how do you find these things?

  3. LOL- my assistant was too busy filming The Road, one of my least favorite novels and so he is currently on my bad side. ;)

  4. I have to say, that's pretty funny.

  5. LMAO! Those are hilarious! I laughed out loud at The Handmaid's Tale! And can you imagine what readers of The Road would think when they realize what it truly is about? Priceless!

  6. There has never been a better pairing than this!

  7. I thought about posting The Handmaiden's Tale picture, but couldn't resist the Palin jab in the end, lol.

    And gosh, laughed myself silly thinking about what readers would think of The Road with that cover...very funny.

    Love the new picture, Jenners!


Fire away!