There's not much better in this world on a cold, winter day than curling up by a warm fire blazing in the hearth with a good book and a batch of warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies.
Such was the mission for A Reader's Respite if we wanted to participate in Beth Fish's Weekend Cooking.
First, we'll share our uber-secret and complex recipe:
- 1 tube of that Pillsbury doughy stuff found in the grocery store. Gross, but serves the purpose.
- 1 cookie sheet with the residue from your previous cooking disaster scraped off
- A timer (optional)
- 1 good book
Open the dough-y stuff and schlopp it on your cookie sheet in big glumps. Put cookie sheet in oven. Go sit in front of the fire to read your book. Become so engrossed in your book that you don't even hear the timer (see, we told you it was optional). Go check on cookies when the burning odor sets off your fire detector and interrupts your reading.
If you follow these directions precisely, you'll end up with this:
Now this last step is the most important, so be sure to write it down....
and go back to reading your book.
Happy Weekend Cooking, everyone.

ps....Beth Fish is going to kill A Reader's Respite if we keep this up. Anyone want to lay bets on how long it takes her?
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