Diversifying My Bookshelves

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. (Scene IV)

How didest we ever liveth without this-eth?


  1. Just goes to show...there is something for everyone.

  2. mmm I love me some Hamlet. Make sure to drop by starting next week and place your vote (probs for Hamlet??) for the all time best Shakespeare play.

  3. Wow, that's awesome. Thanks so much for posting it!

  4. But is it written in Klingon? That is the question.

  5. Too funny...love the skull with the ripply forehead.

  6. Wait!!! Don't throw it away!!! I think I saw one on that traveling antique road show and is worth a zillion dollars!!! Hehehe.

  7. Not even sure what I could say about this... "how odd" works, doesn't it?

  8. I love how the skeleton has the exact same ridges as the person holding it.

  9. I'm probably one of the few people who saw this post and thought this book looks very cool. :) I'd claim that it's purely a linguistic interest, but that would be lying.

    I'm not nerdy enough to know Klingon, but I am nerdy enough to know that the original writers of the Klingon language did not include a "to be" verb, which came back to haunt them when the quote "to be or not to be" was included in one of the movies.

    I think I will stop typing now so that I don't reveal the extent of my trekkie obsession. :) It does crack me up that my po-dunk library owns a cd set of conversational klingon (and no, I haven't checked it out).

  10. ROFL! I never would have imagined that such a book existed!

  11. Oh Em Gee! I needed that giggle today, thanks Michele! He is one hot Clingon ;-)

  12. LOL That's funny. I'll have to share that with my brother.


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