
Christmas Chaos

Have the holidays been encroaching on your blogging? You're not alone, A Reader's Respite is right there with you. Between reading, shopping, working and all the Christmas chaos, we have hardly found time to blog.

This year, we've decided to give hand-made gifts for all of our loved ones. And of course we found the perfect instructional book:

Now if we only had a dog.

Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. Love it! Is there a companion book entitled "Knitting with Cat Hair"?

  2. Damn, Susan beat me to the punch. Anyone finds that book and I'll spend a few hours brushing Tater (google Chartreaux cat and you'll know what I mean) and I'll send the fur off for the next creation.

  3. If you'd let me know in time, I could have mailed you a ton of dog hair!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Still looking for the cat hair version....I'd be all set in that department, lol.

    Kathy - don't you DARE send me dog hair, bwa-ha-ha-ha!

  5. I had a large poodle once whose hair would have made a lovely sweater. and a hat...gloves...a coat...socks...

  6. I'm in the cat hair category (and maybe a little bit of guinea pig hair). Yes, I've been a little overwhelmed with it all. Helped out a bit with my sweet, adorable netbook with anytime Internet access. My vacation starts next Tuesday. That is when my duties end and my mom's begins.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I have some curly dog hair I can lend you for a nice unique look! :-)


  9. Between a 65lb dog and 4 cats. I could have kept you supplied endlessly with hair for projects. Just my stairs alone each day would give you enough for a 1/4 scarf.

    Next year is definitely going to be handmade gifts. (Hugs)Indigo

    P.S. Just wanted to let you know I received my book. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. The holiday frenzy keeps everyone going. (Hugs)Indy

  10. See what I mean? I meant to say Thank you! with the P.S. Greatly appreciated. (Hugs)Indigo

  11. Oh this is too classic. I'm going to have to e-mail a link to this to my mom!

    And I hear you ... the holidays are beginning to mess up my blogging time!!! ARGH!

  12. A very happy christmas to you and yours this season and all the very best for the New Year

  13. I remember seeing this one on the Awful Library Books site. It really is quite the strange book. I'm definitely not in their target audience. :)

  14. I read a book of essays about knitting experiences shortly after I learned to knit, and one woman told a story of knitting a sweater out of her dog's fur. She got caught in a rain storm and sought shelter in a small shop, and they told her she had to leave because the smell of wet dog was overpowering. LOL

    Diary of an Eccentric

  15. I actually know people who spin with dog hair and then knit. Yes, these people exist.

  16. Sounds creepy. I have a German Shepherd who sheds at least a sweaters worth every day!

  17. Hilarious! In these tough economic times, we all do need to make sure nothing goes to waste.


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