
As if we need an excuse....

If you're anything like us, you probably have a series of books that you've been working your way through, but honestly, who has the time? It's hard to fit in time to read a great series, so we sneak in a book here and a book there.

But Michelle over at Galleysmith, God bless her cotton socks, is giving us all the best holiday gift ever: Seriespalooza, an entire week to devote to reading nothing but a series! Any old favorite, one new to you, or in our case, one we've been pecking our way through for the past year.

Us? We're going to catch up on Sookie and finish off The Southern Vampire Series!

Go Team!


  1. Hats off to ya girl. I have so many series that I read, it is a wonder I get anything done. Sookie is one series that I really would love to pursue, but I. Just. Can't. Someday perhaps.

  2. I've only read one book in this series so it'd take me more than a week to polish it off.

  3. I really want to some day read this series!
    Have a fun time reading them!

  4. I started this series a few months ago and finished it in November. Very readable..

  5. Seriespalooza is something that I looked at, and I want to do but I just don't think I can at the moment. Maybe next time.

  6. I recently sat down and re-read this entire series in one week. I just love these books! Eric is the best!

  7. Go team indeed!!

    I too have to work through the third book in anticipation of the start of the next season. I'd like to get into the fourth by then as well.

    I'm glad you'll be joinging me :)

    Good luck!

  8. Good luck.. this series is on my list for sure.

  9. Just tonight I started the first book of this series ... I was smart to wait and acquire 7 of the books so if they are as great as everyone says, I can work my way through the series too! So far I'm liking it!

  10. Enjoy the seriespalooza. I have to admit that I got tired of that particular series, though.


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