
Whatcha readin' for Halloween?

A Reader's Respite just loves Halloween. Not just because we're kinda witchy (broomstick, jet aircraft....tomayto, tomahto), but because we can indulge in theme reading.

This year, thanks to Sandy over at You've Gotta Read This!, we started the month off right with a re-read of Daphne Du Maurier's classic Rebecca. This is a perfect Halloween read in our opinion, just creepy enough to set the mood, but no blood and gore (we're working our way up to that by the end of the month).

In the past, A Reader's Respite has mused about re-reads and changes in perception. Now we've read this novel perhaps a dozen times over the years and seen the film countless times. Sure enough, we found that our reaction to the novel this time was indeed markedly different from previous reads.

Now for those of you unfamiliar with the storyline, allow us to give you the Reader's Respite version:

Mousy young girl meets rich, handsome widower. Girl marries widower and returns with him to his fabulous country manor. You want to root for her....really, you do. But it doesn't take long before she realizes that the previous dead wife still rules the roost. Secrets, lies and deceit abound in this subtle psycho-thriller. No wonder Hitchcock loved it.

So what changed for us this time? Instead of feeling sorry for our erstwhile heroine, we found ourselves wanting to buy the girl a spine. We wanted her to stand up and shout, "The woman is dead, get over it people!"

Our patience was just in short supply. We're pretty sure this is because our last read of this classic was B.K.

Before Kids.

Yep, our kids have used up all of our patience and now we're taking it out on timeless heroines.


On another note, however, did you know that author Sally Beauman wrote a prequel to Rebecca? It's true. Rebecca's Tale is the story told from the dead's wife's point of view. A little on the salacious side, it's a fun read for anyone who enjoyed Rebecca.

And A Reader's Respite just happens to have a copy up for grabs.

If you're interested, leave us a comment and on October 22nd we'll draw a random winner, just in time for Halloween. As always, no Following, Twittering, Facebooking, Whatever-ing is necessary to enter. Just check back on the 22nd to see if you've won!


  1. I just finished reading Rebecca a couple of weeks ago and I loved it. The prequel sounds interesting.

  2. I remember you mentioning this when you spoke about the author! I have had this in my wish list since then

    Enter me :)

    givingreadingachance AT

  3. Lol, before kids. Glad I don't have that problem :p

    I'm still saving Rebecca for last, I still have the Parasites before that one.

  4. I have heard about this book and wanted it. I love Rebecca! This book about Rebecca herself will be very interesting.

    Thanks for the contest!


  5. This is a great idea for a blog. As a writer, I mainly visit writing blogs, but this is a true respite. I think you have some great picks.

    I've made you my follow friday on my new writing blog. I'm in the process of collecting blogs and websites I admire which deal with writing and reading. Don't worry, you don't have to do anything back.:-)

    The post is here

  6. Not only that, but Susan Hill wrote a sequel called "Mrs. de Winter". Who knew? Maybe DW2 will be fighting vampires soon? Anyway, love your ever-concise summary of Rebecca. I found myself wanting to slap the girl to her senses. I thought Maxim was a narcicisstic pig, and she pandered to the whole behaviour. This is one girl that needs to grow a couple.

    A little scared on a prequel, but I'll bite. rnawrot at cfl dot rr dot com

  7. I was upset with second Mrs. de Winter the first time I read it but you're right, it was AK (after Kids)and I simply had no patience for her spinelessness.
    The prequel sounds interesting and I'd love to take my chance at winning it.

  8. Just read Rebecca a few weeks ago for the first time and absolutely loved it - would love to be entered for the prequel, it sounds really interesting!

    a.d.malouin [at]

  9. Great googly-moogly, I love Rebecca. I wish I had time to re-read stuff. Maybe I will anyway. Please enter me for the prequel!


  10. I'm interested in Rebecca. Please enter me for the draw. :D

    linna.hsu at gmail dot com

  11. The B.K. thing literally had me in stitches... I actually call myself Nely B.C. or Nely A.C. (yes, before children; after children) Big difference folks. LoL :D

    Rebecca - never read it, recently won it, will have to read it.

    No need to enter me.


  12. I know what you mean about Rebecca's spine, but I still loved the book and read it two or three times way back in my youth (yes, they had books back then, too). No need to enter me.

  13. I have to admit that I have not read Rebecca but it sounds like I need to do this... I have seen the movie though a long time ago. May need to revisit this through Netflix. Please include me in the giveaway, thank you

  14. Rebecca has been on my nightstand FOREVER. Looks like it's moved up the TBR pile (finally) since I'm going for an all spooky reads October. This would be great to have too.

    eafeldpausch at gmail dot com

  15. I get too creeped out by scary books to read anything halloween themed. I've been meaning to read Rebecca for a while though.

  16. I just read and reviewed Rebecca two weeks ago! I absolutely adored it, and despite my not having kids, I completely agree that I kept wanting her to grow a pair. :) I'd love to be entered:

  17. Thanks for the sequel update! I'll have to investigate that one further.

  18. I'd love to read this one. I'd love a little spine tingler.

    Please enter me.

    fotoprincess @ gmail . com

  19. Just started Jamaica Inn. Finished Rebecca. This sounds intriguing.



  20. Mystica -- oh, I loved Jamaica Inn. Much darker than Rebecca!

  21. "Yep, our kids have used up all of our patience and now we're taking it out on timeless heroines."

    Hilarious and true. Just re-read the answers I posted to Sandy's questions, and realized that someone just scanning the post might not realize how much I enjoyed the book. Unlikable characters can be so much fun!

    Would love to win this book. Salacious you say? Hmm...

  22. Well this caught my attention! Enter me in the draw please!

    emily DOT wittenberg @ gmail DOT com

  23. I do think kids changes your opinions on so much -- including what you are willing to tolerate from your heroines! I have never read this book (gasp!) but I realize I should!

  24. I've been finding myself having that reaction to a lot of female characters of late (Emma Bovary, in Madame Bovary, for example). Of course, I'm the same person that used to have to held down during weddings when they asked the bride if she promised to obey her husband!

  25. I've been finding myself having that reaction to a lot of female characters of late (Emma Bovary, in Madame Bovary, for example). Of course, I'm the same person that used to have to held down during weddings when they asked the bride if she promised to obey her husband!

  26. I would love to read the er...salacious prequel.

  27. Please enter me.

  28. I"m with you...I had much less patience with DW2 this time around. I've never heard of this sequel but would love the opportunity to check it out. pizzo underscore kathleen at yahoo dot com

  29. I love Rebecca! It'd be interesting to read the prequel.


  30. Oh all right you talked me into it. I still have my copy of Rebecca that is about 17 years old. I'd love to read the prequel!

  31. I've only been reading children's Halloween books this year!

    I loved REBECCA (book and film) and would like a shot at winning the prequel .. thanks!

    dawn [at]

  32. Ah Laurence Olivier. Loved the movie just for him but haven't reread the book in years. A prequel sounds interesting.

  33. I really enjoyed Rebecca. I read it years ago. I think it is time to pull it off the shelf and reread.

    Please enter me for this contest!!


  34. Sounds like a fascinating read

  35. This book will only increase my appetite to read the original "Rebecca!"

    mabelilly28 at yahoo dot com

  36. I loved Rebecca and I am very curious to read Rebecca's Tale. Please enter me.

  37. Both the book and especially the movie are among my favorites for books and movies. Even though the second Mrs. DeWinter needed much support to be a courageous wife, I still loved it. Please enter me in the giveaway

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  38. please enter me , i read rebecca yrs ago. -marci

  39. please enter me

  40. I would love to read this. Please enter me.


  41. I think you're spot on with Rebecca being a perfect Halloweeen read.

    I'd heard Rebecca's Tale was a prequel but then I must have forgotten because I went 'oh YEAH!' when I read it just now in your post. Could be interesting!

  42. Michelle, I am going to take snippets of your review for a review i m doing. I have not read this. but this book is a part of the Rory Gilmore Book Project my friend Shona is hosting.. please let me know if it is ok..

    i will send u the link once i m done with the post and it is up.


Fire away!