
Have you ever been fooled by a book's title?

We're just wondering, 'cause A Reader's Respite sure was.

Earlier in the summer, we were sent a copy of Sarah Ockler's new young adult novel entitled Twenty Boy Summer. The novel lingered on our shelves for some time because we never could quite summon the energy for a teenage boy-fest story.

So last night, A Reader's Respite finally got around to flipping the book open to chapter one.....and four hours later we closed the book after finishing the final chapter.

Suffice it to say that Twenty Boy Summer is much, much more than a book of teenage hormones. Shame, shame on us for falling for the oldest trick in the book: judging a book by it's cover.

Ockler has penned a gripping tale of first love, death and the grief of a family who doesn't know how to let go. The emotions are gripping and real. Truly, we don't think anyone could have done a better job capturing the enigma that is teenage grief. (And as someone who experienced a loss eerily similar to this as a teenager, we know of which we speak.)

Yes, yes, the book also deals with some controversial subjects like teenage girls losing their virginity along the way (and to echo the narrator, what's up with the phrase "losing" one's virginity, as if it were carelessly misplaced?) so if you're thinking of a particular young adult in your life who might like this novel, you might want to read it yourself first if that's your kind of thing.

This is an eloquent, heartbreaking story but one that offers hope. No one could have captured the teen voice better than Ockler.

Highly recommended.

(And if you happen to find our virginity floating around out there, please return it. We seem to have misplaced it around 20 years ago.)

Your turn! If you want to give this novel a try, leave a comment and then check back in on October 15th to see if you were randomly chosen to receive your very own copy. International entrants always welcome!


  1. I believe this is the first comment!

    muchdeepmeaning @ gmail . com

    Also, two covers of Ender's Game fooled me. There's the one that makes it look like a kid's book, and the one that makes it look like a lame, stuffy Sci-Fi geek novel.

  2. I've seen this in the bookstore but I've been hesitating on whether to pick it up since I'm trying to stay away from heartbreak and tears and all that. But I think maybe I should give it a try. Please count me in on the giveaway! Thanks!


  3. I would have had the same preconceived ideas on this one as well. I'd love to read it, but will not share it with my tween. Not yet. See, I have still got her convinced that these things shouldn't happen until you're married (if that were the case, I should be able to find MY virginity somewhere under the bed with the dust bunnies, but that aint' happening!). rnawrot at cfl dot rr dot com

  4. I'm so glad you got around to reading it and giving it such a great review. I can't tell you how many times I've picked it up and contemplated buying it only to put it back for another time when I was in more of a girly mood.

    Hope I get a chance to read it from you otherwise, it's back to the bookstore to get it next time I go. :)

  5. I don't need to enter because I have it, but I wanted to chime in and say I *loved* this book! I thought it was terrific, and also thought it was hobbled by a misleading title. (although, it's apt, in a way, but not unless you've already read it!)

  6. This book has been on my nightstand for a while - it sounds like I need to read it ASAP. Now, if I can only find a four hour chunk of time.

  7. I learned a long time ago never judge a book by it's cover. I've found some great treasures with 80's bodice ripping covers that scare a lot of readers off. Have a couple of those on my TBR pile.

  8. Thanks for letting me know that this book is better than its title makes it out to be. I'm looking forward to reading it.
    Please enter me. Thanks!


    P.S. Ditto 'The Celebrated Author.' I am a huge Ender fan but the covers are a huge turnoff and most people won't pick up the books because of them! They are wonderful!

  9. I've been wanting to read this book ever since it came out, but my library didn't have it when I last checked, and my mom's not letting me buy anymore books. She says I should "save it".

    Thanks for the contest and review!

  10. When I said my mom wants me to "save it", I meant she was talking about my money. Sorry!

  11. Interesting review. In fact, the reason why I haven't picked up this book is that the title doesn't appeal to me. I know it's unfair to judge a book either by its cover or title. So I would like to give this book a try and please enter me for the draw. :D

    linna.hsu at gmail dot com

  12. I would like to be entered. I have to admit that I judged this book by it's title too, and couldn't figure out why so many others wanted the book so much. I guess I should have read more reviews of it.

    akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

  13. I have to admit; I consistently judge books by their covers. Heck, when I go bookshopping (before blogs and bookmooch anyway), I would not even pick up a book if the title and cover didn't immediately appeal. I'd love to be entered to win: trillian_lalienvaliel[at]hotmail[dot]com

  14. This sounds like a great read. I would love a copy.

  15. I've had this on my eReader all summer. Perhaps I should actually read it.

  16. I'm forever being fooled by the cover...but my problem comes in when publishers start re-issuing twenty year old titles with jazzy new covers that suck me right in. Then I find out that I had the book all along, sitting unread on my shelf...

    I've seen this book and made the same assumption from the title. Now your review has me wanting to read it, so please enter me!

    thetometraveller *at* yahoo (dot) com

  17. I have an ARC of this lingering on my shelf. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it! I'll have to make room for it soon!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. { Kylee should not be allowed on the internet while sleepy. =/ }I just went to my library's website and put a hold request on Twenty Boy Summer. My daughter asked about it a few weeks ago, but I think maybe I should read it first.

  20. Please don't enter me. I just wanted to say I have this hanging out on my shelf too and just have been able to read it yet, but now it sounds so good I think I will read it this coming week.

  21. Great review, so glad you enjoyed it. I received it from a bloggy friend & it's going on my reading list real soon!

  22. Why yes...I have been fooled. This title and cover would have fooled me. But I trust you so please enter me in the lovely giveaway. : )

    jfligster (at) gmail dot com

  23. With infinite numbers of books to choose from, I have always judged a book by its cover. However, my main judgement comes from the inside cover. A few well chosen words and I am hooked and ready to read.

  24. Nice offer!

    o_rei_de_havana AT hotmail DOT com

  25. Love your blog! Count me in on the giveaway.

    mackenzie.casey @

  26. I'm curious....please count me in...thanks.

    karen k

  27. The title/cover is why I passed this up :(. Shame on me! I'd love to be entered!


  28. Cover art and titles can be very misleading. Please do enter me. This one's on my wish list.

    bookfoolery at yahoo dot com

  29. It has happened to me MANY TIMES. Recently -- I read the blurb of A Thousand Splendid Suns AFTER buying the book... and it didn't sound good AT ALL.. After year and a half I finally read it and loved it!
    this is the blurb issue!

    But this sounds good.

    givingreadingachance AT

  30. I talked about that in my review of the Savage Detectives. Not about detectives. At all.



  31. Oh...I have been wanting to read this book for some time now. It's nice to know that the title does not exactly do the book justice :) Please enter me violetc dot books at gmail dot com

  32. I want in, please!


  33. Looks great!
    I will try my luck!

    educhico AT gmail DOT com

  34. Well, I would sure like to be surprised by this one!

    dr.strangelove.vs.citizen.kane AT gmail DOT com

  35. I believe in allowing our teens to discover a little bit of "political incorrect" by themselves.
    It gives them a moral conscience of the world around them.
    Do not confuse this with unconscious freedom or non caring.

    catarina DOT magoito AT gmail DOT com

  36. Oh, this one seems cute!

    39 DOT 5susy AT gmail DOT com

  37. Please count me in!
    It's the last day, just in time!

    joanapatriciadias AT gmail DOT com

  38. Oh, great giveaway!

    tanitalves AT sapo DOT pt

  39. I love book giveaways!
    Count me in!


  40. This is the second review of this book I've read today. Totally need to read this!

  41. checked out some reviews on amazon... the book sounds pretty interesting :) thanks for the giveaway!



Fire away!