
Welcome to A Reader's Respite's World....

As most of you know, moving into a new home is a messy business.

We hate it.

But tonight, A Reader's Respite thought we'd share a rare glimpse inside our personal hell world with you. Feel free to laugh or cry along with us.

By the way, this post is completely non-book related. Unless you count that we are providing you with photo evidence that our books did, for the most part, complete the move intact.

The horribly messy kitchen which is known as The Room to House the Coffee Maker.

Notice that the television is so new that we haven't even removed the plastic cover from the face of it. The wires are there to we always have the option of hanging ourselves if the stress of the move overwhelms us.

Proof that our internet really is working and that A Reader's Respite is now officially so far behind on book reviews we may never actually catch up. Ever.

All we can do when we gaze upon this room is laugh hysterically and then sob uncontrollably. Walk away.

See? We told you the books (or at least most of them) were safe and happy.

Except for these piles of non-fiction in what-will-someday-be-a-real-dining-room. (Oh, and the 14 other boxes still in the garage.)

Again, laugh and cry every time we pass by this room in which we lock our children. We refuse to even enter this room at this point.

So there you have it.

This has been a shameless attempt to garner sympathy.


  1. Sorry ... I can't give you much sympathy since that's pretty much what my house looks like all of the time! :) I am so ridiculously lacking in storage ...

    And the color scheme in that house is eerily like mine ... red kitchen, green dining room, light brown family room. You don't happen to have a blue bathroom do you? ;)

  2. OK, I'm going to make lemonade for a second. I really love your kitchen - it is beautiful. And I do like the office area that features two for each hand! Still, moving sucks. We have been in our house for almost 10 years, and still are in the process of decorating it and making it not an eyesore. I think I've said it before, but I think I shall die here.

  3. Gosh... I want you to upload more pics of your kitchen.... I am getting my new kitchen designed.......... and I LOVE YOURS :D

    I will write this post in Nov :D that's when I start packing :D :D

  4. It may currently be messy, but I have to say the house looks beautiful!


  5. Moving is a lot of work, but I get the itch to do it every 4 or 5 years for some odd reason. As we're doing it, I wonder what in the world I was thinking about, but it's always too late at that point. You'll get there - it just takes time.

  6. Love the house and all the books, but I have to say with Kristen that for those of us whose house ALWAYS has that "just-moved-in" look .... and hey, what's wrong with that look?!!!! Why has no home and garden magazine contended that THIS IS HOW A HOUSE SHOULD LOOK to seem TRULY lived in!!!

  7. What a beautiful home Michele! And I just love the color scheme that is going on. Just remember that it is going to take awhile to get things exactly how you want it.

  8. Oh what a beautiful home! Maybe it's just different looking in the pictures but your home does not look like a mess at all!

  9. I love your new home Michele! The hardwood floors are fabulous!

  10. Your house looks really amazing. It won't be long until you have all your stuff where you want it and can fully enjoy it!

  11. I send you my sympathies.

    I love the colors in your home.

    Really, your house is not bad. I have seen worse, and for what it's worth, rather be lived in than unlivable.

  12. I've always loved peeking into other peoples houses! Thanks for the glimpse into yours. I love the rounded seating area at the end of the kitchen counter.

  13. You have won my sympathy. There is nothing worse than moving and I can't imagine doing it with kids and with a job that takes you away from home. I noticed tho, that you have a nice computer set up, a new TV, and one large bookshelf installed. Do you really need much more?

    Now if only I were in Seattle at the moment, I'd come over and put that fabulous kitchen to work and give you a break.

  14. Well at least the books made it safely. Love the fireplace and that gorgeous floor. Glad I don't have to keep it shining though :p

  15. I'm glad you have your priorities straight. Books first!

  16. I really sympathize with you - I've moved 3 times in the past 13 months (including one move halfway across the country) and moving really does suck! We always have a room that collects all the "stuff" I haven't quite figured out what to do with yet. We moved to our current place 3 months ago and I still have "stuff" in that room! But at least all of the books are put away (that was done the first day)!

  17. Ohh, poor you- you really do have me sympathizing with you...There is one very huge lesson I learnt after our move (20 years ago!!)..that would be: We are never moving again. So that's the bright side for me! But, honestly, don't worry- 1 day at a time. AND, your house is gorgeous- I love the wood floors and the beautiful colours you chose. The kichen is stunning and your kids have a huge place for play and fun. Believe me, it looks great now, so imagine one day!

  18. Just had to stop by and say -

    Beautiful house - my house is so little and old compared to yours, but hey, I got a house, right? gotta be grateful for that!

  19. What a lovely house! And I started drooling when I saw all your books on their shelves. Wonderful!

  20. I'm envious of your bookshelves.

    I too sympathize with the moving experience. When we first moved into our house, my mother decided that we were going to hold a big 4th of July cookout. At the time, that was only 2 weeks away. Talk about a yikes moment.

  21. Sorry - no sympathy - you have an amazing house and it looks as though you're doing a great job moving in.

    Moving is hard - I've never lived anywhere for more than 4 years, so I know a lot about it!

    I hope you get it all sorted out soon - thanks for the glimpse into your home!

  22. It is such a pain to move, especially when you have lots of books!

    The dining room photo is my favorite...I like the tennis shoes in front of the book piles. My husband is constantly leaving his shoes wherever he steps out of them, even if it is in the middle of the floor where people might be walking. :)

  23. You all are just the sweetest. You've made me feel soooo much better about all this chaos I'm living in right now. Mr. RR tells me I have the next 18 years to get everything organized. I think it's just my OCD acting up again.

    Wish I could have each and every one of you over to visit....we could start the fireplace and curl up with a good book and something alcoholic to drink whilst ignoring the kids. :)

  24. It's a lovely home! (Sometimes I wish I could borrow a little of that OCD, just for like half a day.)

  25. Okay a litttttllle bit of sympathy, but what a beuatiful home. Now get cracking! Heehee

  26. Dude, you have wall to wall bookshelves. No sympathy here. =)

  27. At least your books are unpacked. We moved into our house in July and so far, the room designated "library" hasn't been unpacked, nor has the room designated "office." Most of my poor books are still waiting (impatiently at this point) in boxes.

  28. What a beautiful house! My house looks much messier and we moved in six years ago. :) I love your bookcases!

  29. Ah, so you use the "books as wall reinforcements" approach, too?!

    Moving is a hassle, but I'm sure it's exciting/fun, too! One box at a time ...

  30. I think the house looks pretty good -- and not messy at all. Seems like you got lots of room too! : )

  31. I love messy home photos. Makes me feel better about our own home. Though, really, yours could have been more messy than that!

  32. Sending sympathetic thoughts. And, I thought it all looked pretty good. I love your hardwood floors!

  33. Oh I like the bookcase wall. I might have to see about doing something similiar in my living room... which I've done nothing with except plunk some furniture in since we moved in. Huh, kind of like the rest of the house...

  34. Your house looks beautiful, even though it is still in the messy moving stage. I LOVE your book and fireplace room!


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