
We admit it....

A Reader's Respite shamefully admits that today we contributed to the unstoppable machine that is Dan Brown.

That's right. We paid real, hard-earned American dollars to download a copy of The Lost Symbol to our Amazonian Devil Device.

We did it for a Klondike Bar.

Please don't hate us.


  1. LOL! There's nothing to be ashamed of if that's what you're worried about. I went out and bought a copy too, a hard copy. My honey is a bigger fan and I still have stacks of unread books, so he's reading it first. =)

    Enjoy your book! =)

  2. I've got my feet planted firmly on the ground, adamantly refusing to contribute. But I could be persuaded for a Klondike bar, a glass of wine or maybe even a chicken wing. (Seriously, let us know what you think...)

  3. I don't hate you. I'll be buying and reading soon...

  4. Well, for a Klondike bar ... that is understandable. You are forgiven if you share (the Klondike bar .. not the book. Well, you can share the book too.)

  5. Dan Brown and the Evil Kindle...I am sorry, but I may have to stop reading here.

  6. What would you do-oo-oo for a Klondike Bar? I will now have that little ditty in my head all day. :)

  7. I'm just going to wait for the movie with Tom Hanks.

  8. Well, a Klondike bar is a good excuse. Nobody's offered me anything chocolate, though, so I'm still not buying.

  9. I'd do it for a Klondike bar too. Since nobody offered me one, though, I'll patiently wait my turn at the library.

  10. Lol. Sorry, whenever I even think of Klondike Bars I'm reminded of this:

  11. Now we all know what you would buy for a Klondike Bar. Ha~ha!

    Enjoy your book & the Hanks film when it is released.

  12. Didn't know how to get in touch with you. Like your blog and was wondering if you might take a look at Whom God Would Destroy, my twisted tale about "God," space aliens, insanity and the Ultimate Orgasm. It's not Dan Brown (thank the deity), but I would be willing to spring for 2 Klondike Bars if you'd take a look.

  13. We are now entering an age where digital copy sales will surpass the physicals, by far. Welcome to 2010.

  14. I've gotta admit that while reading the book, every word that comes out of the protagonist's mouth is in Tom Hank's voice, lol. Damn it.

    Lady Tink, that almost made me pee my pants. I'd forgotten all about Achmed's line!

    Commander Pants, you found me. :) Email readersrespite at yahoo dot com and we'll talk!

  15. You're hilarious, I swear. Besides, there's nothing wrong with the Klondike bar if you ask me (nor with Dan Brown, really).

  16. hehehe! i bought it like yesterday ;)

    i hope to receive it today- tomorrow ;)


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