
A Reader's Respite will be back after a short break....

Unforseen complication from moving: A Reader's Respite internet connection will not be available until Monday. (You suck, Qwest. Hope your connection speeds are faster than your installation service.)

In the meantime, A Reader's Respite is using our time to tuck all of our books into their new shelf homes.

We'd invite you all over to help, but we know you'd just grab a book and park your lazy butt in a corner to read and that, so Mr. RR has been telling us over the past week, is NOT HELPING.


  1. Hey, who took a picture of MY TBR pile?

  2. Not feeling so bad about Mt. TBR any more!

  3. Mwahaha - actually I wouldn't sit in the corner (that's too obvious) I'd tell you I had to go potty and snatch the book in there with me. :D Hope you get the internet up quickly I know I feel lost without it. :D


  4. are those SERIOUSLY all of your books?! Good lawd!!!

  5. STOCK PICTURE ALERT!!! It's just a stock photo from Google. Not my books. My piles are much, much worse, lol.

  6. I remember what a pain it was to move and re-sort all of my books (although that was years ago). I hope you manage to have some fun with it.

  7. Whew! You had me worried there for a minute. I thought you might be trapped beneath them somewhere. Moving sucks, and that is just a hard cold fact. Last time I moved, I was 7 months pregnant and it was 112 degrees. I swore I would die in this house.

  8. I was wondering if that was a real photo ... but since you say it is worse, I suggest you get Mr RR a little something special. Moving stinks but I hope you get a lovely new home and get settled soon.

  9. Wow, you know i'd pull a fast on ereading but would make an excuse to use the potty : ).

  10. It sounds like Mr. RR needs an attitude adjustment! Just kidding!

  11. I want to know where your secretary is and why he isn't helping! (I know he's not at MY house!!!)


Fire away!