
Holy Bookstore, Batman

Just in case you can't read the sign on this store, allow us to clue you in. This little gem we found in Toronto this morning is called The Biggest Bookstore.

Conveniently, it is located a mere three blocks from the hotel A Reader's Respite is currently ensconced in at this moment.

Despite the fact that we are laid out with a wicked case of the flu and feel like dying right now, we hauled our considerable butt out of our sick bed and made it to The Biggest Bookstore.

It was worth every wheezing, sniffling, sneezing step.

Toronto is so cool.

PS....are we the only one so mentally messed up when it comes to books that we'd schlep to a bookstore even when we're too sick to sit up properly?


  1. No you are not the only one. I would just drug myself up long enough to do some considerable damage.

  2. Looks great on the outside! Is it as good on the inside?

  3. No, I would be there deathbed or not. I was in Vancouver BC a few years ago up and down Robson Street (think Rodeo Drive of the North) looking at all those furs, chocolates and shoes. What did I buy and where did I spend all my time? Books and a store called Chapters.

  4. Ah there is no flu that can stop a book lover from checking out a new bookstore!

  5. No you are not the only one. I would just drug myself up long enough to do some considerable damage.

  6. I just made two separate trips there in one day. Not as good as Powell's in Portland, that's for certain, but a good selection of UK stuff.

  7. Too funny! I hope you get to feeling better.

  8. I think I've been there! I remember seeing the outside and going "Um... I think I need to step in there and family you have no choice but to let me!"

  9. Michelle! You're in TO! I'm so sorry that you're sick... This is the flagship store of the Indigo/Chapters dynasty....

  10. I'd be there with you, flu or no flu! Hope you're better soon.

  11. I don't blame you for trekking over there with the flu! I think I'd have to be on my deathbed to ignore a bookstore like that.

  12. AAWWW That sucks that you are ill... but so awesome to visit such a bookstore!!!
    Nope, not mentally ill.. (in my take that with a grain of salt)!

  13. Feel better!!!! Not much would have kept me away either.

  14. I'd be right there with you. Would LOVE to check out this store, and I'm sure my daughter would, too. Hope you feel better!

  15. Luanne - I am going to end up being personally responsible for half of Toronto getting sick with my cold/flu since I've been back to that store twice today, lol.

  16. thanks for the well-wishes everyone. I don't often get sick, but why is it that when I do I'm always stuck at work with no options to get home and recuperate? Cosmic law, I suppose, lol.

  17. I hope you feel better soon! But what a cool reason to risk your fragile health! :-)


  18. um...not to sound uber patriotic, being a Torontonian, but it's actually called 'World's Biggest Bookstore'. Yep, that's what they went with, and so far no-one has forced them to take it down!

    It is pretty cool. I take my kids on the trek downtown at least once a year to let them loose in the aisles.

    Hope you recuperate throuogh the good vibes of reading material.

  19. Are you kidding? I think I'd move my sickbed into the stacks in the bookstore. I'm sure it would help cure me faster than anything else!

  20. I have to agree. there is little that will make you feel better faster than a good book...except a big pile of good books from a huge ass bookstore.

  21. I'm sorry that you're not feeling well - we're just getting over sickness in our house too!

    The best "biggest" bookstore that I've ever been in was Powell's in Portland, OR. Totally awesome!

  22. Here's hoping that you are feeling better soon!

    I'd be right there with you, nothing would keep me away from a store like that (even though it is the last place in the world I need to fact, I could probably stock a pretty good section of it right out of my house...)

  23. Feel better. How cool to grab a few UK books -- I am a cover tart, so I'd drag myself there, too!

  24. Wow! I haven't heard of that bookstore before, but I will have to keep it in mind if we're ever in Toronto. :)

    I hope you're feeling better!

  25. Hope you're much better now! And I shall begin planning my trip to Toronto post-haste.

  26. Shit, I would drag my ass off my death bed to go to the MECCA! Holy cow - that is one yummy looking store!


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