
You know you're behind on book reviews when....

.....when you notice that a book in your review pile already has a sequel published.

Just an observation.


  1. lol! isn't that the truth though?I am so behind that I get nervous ticks every time I look at the pile.

  2. LOL!! You crack me up! Thanks for the laugh this afternoon.

  3. LOL! Great observation!! (I know how you feel!)


  4. I was behind on sending out for reviews. That's just as bad. No, probably worse.

    Morgan Mandel

  5. Yeah, I'm with you sister. I've got ticks too! And to make it even worse? I just went by Borders today to pick up my selection for the Japanese Reading Challenge (a Murakami book) and ended up coming out with four. See this is my problem...

  6. LOL at least you are keeping good company, with all us 'non-keeper-uppers!'

  7. Teddyree is right: at least I know I'm in excellent company. Us great minds have to stick together, eh?

  8. well, I just posted my review on the first one, but I can proudly say I did finish the sequel too last weekend.
    now to write that review too...

  9. Also, you know you're behind on the tbr pile when that hardcover copy you just had to have is now available in paperback.

  10. I'm dittoing Softdrink there, because THAT has happened to me.. the hardcover sits pristinely on my shelf while the paperback copy came out and is quite cheap now. And I still haven't read it.

  11. Hey, thats not so bad - I recently found a prequel to a book I read 10 years ago and couldn't find the prequel at the time. The prequel was written first. Embarrassing!

  12. =(

    I totally know how you feel Michele.

    But I haven't started these either if it makes you feel any better, which I doubt it does. I'm so behind myself.

  13. Absolutely...and the third one on it's way to be published.

  14. I have a couple ARCs that have already gone through hardcover and are now onto releasing in paperback. Sigh.

  15. lol. Mine is generally books I have ARCs are out before I get a chance to review them...

  16. oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the original book that I haven't read yet was indeed an ARC. Yes, that is pathetic, I know. ;)

  17. Okay, that is funny. I'm sure a lot of us can sympathize, though.

  18. lol! That's hilarious. And I thought I was behind on my reviews! I am listening to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in my car and it is really good. I can't wait to find out the ending.

  19. I haven't even got THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO yet ... so I guess I can pick it up in paperback :)

    Writing reviews is like doing the laundry ... you're never DONE, you just make more!

  20. Thank you for making me feel better about myself with this post!!! I do want to read both of these!


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