
WTF Wednesday

Completely non-book related. But we couldn't resist sharing. Who loves you, baby?

WTF Wednesdays are brought to you by The Book Resort!


  1. This totally made my day! Watching the Duggar family on TLC is one of my guilty voyeuristic WTF pleasures, but I can't help but wonder, as my hubs would say, "if there's any tread left on the tires, or if it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway." If you catch my drift :)

  2. Oh now, don't be picking on the Duggers!! I love the Duggers!! ;-)

    Not that I think it is too wise to have 18 kids...but it is amazing how well they keep them all in line...and clean and feed and such. I wouldn't be able to remember all the

    And those little Duggers are so cute.

  3. I first saw that and thought "Isn't it like that family on TLC that has like 40 kids?"

    I don't watch their show - but holy smokes! I wonder if the kids ever get picked on. Why do they have so many kids?

    And I since cartoons have taken over my world (why I read), I had not a clue about the family on TLC.
    Amazing that (most of 'em) they are smiling. I would be stressed out.

  5. I am going to pee my pants! A clown car!! Hahahaha!

  6. Clown car? That is so funny! The funniest thing I had read today until I read Rebecca's note :)

  7. This is very funny. I have tears in my eyes... I was not expecting it.

    @Rebecca... that's so funny.

  8. Rebecca, that is so funny that I just peed a little. really.

  9. That is totally funny. I have to send this to my friend who is a total Duggar hater!

  10. Oh, I forgot to look for their show when I was in the US this time. Fascinating. I was done in by just one child; I can't imagine that many more.

  11. Ah, but it is book related! Don't you know that they've written a book? To tell you, I'm a bit curious to read it.

  12. Here is food for thought:

    If I count correctly there are "only" 14 kids in this photo. They have added 4 more of their own and soon-to-be one grandchild! Can you imagine what a current photo would like like? and what snappy comeback Rebecca could add? :)

  13. Hey there Michele! I've given you a blog award! Hope you like it.

  14. Did you hear that she's having another one - #19! Girlfriend needs to keep her legs closed!


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