
Reading (and reviewing) for a Cause

The Blue Notebook, by James Levine

When A Reader's Respite stumbled upon a recent review of The Blue Notebook over at The Literate Housewife Review, we immediately knew we just HAD to read this book.

And we couldn't wait until the July 7th release date. So for the first time ever, you're about hear A Reader's Respite say something we never, ever thought we'd say: Thank you, Amazon. Thanks to Amazon's Vine program, a copy was speedily sent our way and we devoured this book within 24 hours.

And what a book it is. This is Batuk's story, as written in her blue notebook. Sold into prostitution at the tender age of nine, Batuk survives the worst the world has to offer and still maintains her inner beauty and, in a way, her innocence.

Sadly, Batuk's story is all too common in many parts of the world, where teenage prostitution is common and accepted in society. This unfathomable abuse of children literally turns the stomach, but that is no reason to avoid this book. In fact, we would argue that you have a moral responsibility to purchase this book, not only to raise awareness of this atrocity, but also because 100% of the proceeds from U.S. sales of The Blue Notebook will be donated to the International and National Centers for Missing and Exploited Children.

That's right, 100%.

So if you are browsing through your local bookstore and see this novel, please buy it. We'll so our part by giving away our advanced copy of this book to one randomly drawn winner on the book's release date, July 7th. So if you'd like to enter, please leave a comment!

More reviews for those of you still on the fence:

The Booklady's Blog
Bibliophile by the Sea
Stitch and Bear
The Literate Housewife Review
A Writer's Pen
All About {n}
Notebook Stories
Lazygal Reads
The Magic Lasso
Books on the Brain
Bookworm with a View


  1. Saw this on Twitter! Sounds like an awesome read, would love to win a copy.

  2. Don't enter me, I just received it from Heather of A High and Hidden Place. But I wanted to say how much I am looking forward to reading this myself! Good luck to everybody!

  3. I read 'The Road of Lost Innocence' by Somaly Mam.. which also about child prostitution... I had sleepless nights just thinking about small babies, whose down-parts are stitched, so that they bleed again and again... so as to prove they are still Virgins! I was horrified...

    If i find this book I will buy it too! WIll love to do a very small contribution...very small indeed!

  4. What a wonderful review of a truly tragic story, I'd love to read this one ~ thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

  5. This book has definitely caught my interest recently. Please do enter me.

    I would definitely buy this book if available here.

  6. I have a number of books on my shelf that are ones that should be requirements to read as human beings, but they aren't a huge load of fun to read. Despite the dour topic, I can handle it and definitely want to read this. How cool is it that support a cause with its proceeds? Please sign me up Michele! rnawrot at cfl dot rr dot com

  7. It has to be a wonderful book and I am definitely reading it. Yours is a secong review (following literate housewife) that mentions how important this book is. Thank you for the review, it cemented my decision to get the book.

  8. This is in my TBR, I requested it because I, too, thought it was a must-read title. I hope to read it next month.

  9. Don't enter me - but I read and loved this one too. That's great that you're passing on your copy - I shoulda done that, instead I lent mine out. Who knows when I'll get it back.

  10. Don't enter me either, as I just finished reading this book and will be posting a review closer to it's release date. Have to say though that it was one of the best books I've read this year!

  11. This is the first I have heard of this book Michele and you have sold me! Please enter me....
    joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com

  12. I saw this on Twitter too - I'd love to read this. thanks!

    teabird 17 ## at ## yahoo dot com

  13. I also thought this looked like a great book. No need to enter me. I'll pick it up when it comes out. It's so cool that all the money is being donated!


  14. I think there is something admirable that the author and publishers are transferring all profits to charity. Books like these deserve the positive attention, particularly if they're actually good books (as you describe it). [Please do not enter my name in the drawing.]

  15. I'm very interested in reading this book but only enter me if it's open internationally :) thanks !!

  16. It is impressive when 100% is donated to incredible causes.

    Grab 2 if ya can.

  17. I would love to win this book, sounds very interesting!


  18. I had heard about this one, glad it was so good. Even more impressed with the 100% sales donation!

  19. This sounds like an amazing read. I'll definitely have to pick up a copy. I love the fact that all of the proceeds go to the International and National Centers for Mising and Exploited Children.

  20. Heard this book is fantastic, great review.

  21. It's sad and horrible fate but you're right, it's so true in many parts of the world. I'll look out for it in our bookstore. Thanks for the heads up.

    Steamy Darcy

  22. Wow. 100%. The author must have really been touched by the topic. Thanks for bringing this book to my attention and to everyone elses. : )

  23. I'm interested in this book and surprised to know that this book has a nice cause. If this is an international giveaway, please count me in.


  24. Interesting and heartbreaking topic. Please enter me.

  25. Oh, please do count me in on this one. I don't think I've heard about this one before, but I'm adding it to my Wish List now. Thanks!

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  26. I haven't heard of this book before but it sounds like a book I'd really like to read. I lived in Asia for a couple of years and heard about and observed child prostitution way too often for my liking.

    melacan at hotmail dot com

  27. I love the cover of this book. Yes, I do judge a book by it's cover. How awesome they're donating the proceeds.
    I would love to win this book.

  28. I'd love a chance to read this book. Thank you for entering me.

    sfuhringer(AT) sympatico(dot)ca

  29. Please include me, thanks!

  30. this sounds fantastic

    chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com

  31. It sounds very interesting, I would love to enter. :)

  32. Thank you for the giveaway, I really want to read this difficult and inspiring story!


  33. Sounds awesome. Sign me up, please!



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