
Book Expo Scandal

The Dallas Morning News explored the real scandal at Book Expo 2009. The allegation is categorically denied by BEA officials, but the rumor is that they narrowed the aisles this year to make it look more crowded than it really was.

Good heavens. If they keep this up, A Reader's Respite will have to go on a diet for BEA 2010.


  1. they really need to do that?
    From what I've heard people were just too excited to be there. But who knows.

  2. I just shake my head. People! Get a grip on yourselves!

  3. LOL...I just love the accompanying picture! I don't have anything to compare it too, but some aisles were wider than others

  4. Hahahaha! Scandalous!! Love the pic. :)

  5. Oh my goodness...this could be the most scandalous thing I have heard all day!

  6. That is so funny. The picture is just too much!

  7. Hilarious!

    I did hear that the book bloggers were the hit of the party :)

  8. Scandalous..!!
    I, from .. uummmm... Dallas.... apologize for the lack of newsworthy stories (apparently).
    But I am impressed they actually covered it, so I'm gonna go look for it. :)

  9. New York Times op-ed writer (and Kindle user) who was at BEA with her new book: "And young people don't like to read books and newsprint." = says Gail Collins
    in regards to the Kindle.
    My daughter has no problem reading a book.

  10. One of our favorite HBG girls told me that she used to hate to attend BEA but that she was waking up each morning of this one so excited because the bloggers were there and she was having a great time chatting with everyone! Isn't that nice?

    Okay, maybe the aisles sometimes looked like that photo, I'll admit. They swear they have not changed the width. I think it has more to do with allowing authors to sign in the booths (which they didn't used to do). It creates long lines and makes the aisles seem smaller because of the crush.

    WE MISSED YOU! Hope you can come in 2010, it really was so much fun. Not even the free books, so much, (okay, that was nice) but it was like a big reunion where none of us knew each other but we were all instantly friends. So, so fun.

    BTW, there is a Washington DC tweetup in the works for Sept. 26 (during the National Book Festival). I'll send you the google groups link if you are interested. :)


  11. I am finally able to comment after LMAO!!!

  12. Interestinggg. LOL I really want to go next year though. I hate reading about everyone that DID get to go. haha so jealous.


  13. Love that picture!!!

    I am SO with you there next year - we're gonna rock the place!

  14. And I thought it was my daily Starbucks chai latte and scone that made it tight!

  15. Oh I love that you find this stuff!


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