Diversifying My Bookshelves

You are Worthless, by Dr. Scott Dikkers
Business must just be booming for Dr. Dikkers.
A Reader's Respite would make an appointment, but he doesn't accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
That's a shame.


  1. What publisher in their right mind would allow something like this to pass over their desk???? And I love the name. Mr. Dikkers? That is just as bad as Mr. Linky.

  2. Okay, that is awesomely awful! It would have made a great message on the "Breaking Bad News with Baby Animals" post cards I found last year.

  3. OMG - just laughed my butt off! I want to buy some copies and send them to random people. That would be hysterical! This reminds me a little of the Deep Thoughts skit on SNL by Jack Handey...the thought starts off normal, but always veers to the demented! Love it!

  4. Oh lord!! And it's the second in a series. I missed the best-selling Just Give up! So I'm glad you posted this.

    I think I'll just put my head on my desk now and stop writing. My thoughts are as worthless as I am. Sigh.

  5. Sandy .... hmmmm, you're right, I'm sensing a connnection here!

    Rebecca - omg, I remember those! They were hysterical!

    Amy - I made you and I an app't for Frieday. ;)

    Beth - why is it that these things are always turned into series???

  6. Next installment: How to Successfully Jump Off the Nearest Bridge! I'm patenting that, just in case.

  7. I would love to see a page inside that one!

  8. I don't know how you unearth these books, but keep 'em coming! I need good laughs!


  9. I like the flowers. Gives the book a nice, friendly feel. There's nothing nicer than bright, cheerful flowers to take the edge off of being told just how worthless you are.

  10. OMG crack me up, seriously bad taste.
    Will the next one be "99 tips for killing yourself well"???

  11. Anonymous Child: You crack me up!! I missed the flowers connection!

  12. wait just one minute! "Dr." Scott Dikkers is an editor of The Onion! I think this might not be a serious book!
    I am heartbroken...I thought I had found a book that really spoke to ME!

  13. How funny! I'm sure it's probably not a serious book, but I still don't think I'd want to receive it as a gift!

  14. I was wondering what the deal was until I saw "The Onion." Those mad geniuses! I gotta check this out! Anything they do is pretty hilarious!

  15. I had a feeling I was worthless.. now I know for sure, LOL. Too funny!

  16. I got a copy of this for my birthday from a friend a couple of years ago. It is absolutely hilarious!


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